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Sorry you've not heard from me much in September, here's a video explaining why I've been so busy and what sort of things are coming. 



September Update Video

Music by youtube.com/OckeroidMusic



Thanks for the vid! Can't wait to see all these projects :)


Loving that music! Very funky. Cheers for the update - exciting stuff coming soon!


HARRY! Thanks man, the music is awesome. All of it will be available once the ShotBlast episodes go up. Ockeroid did an amazing job. Thanks for supporting me for so long. You're an OG.


Yeah! I got your .fla you gave us from a past post and it got my brain gears turning. One day, it'll happen. One day.


Thanks for the update. Exciting! Especially the comic is something I'm excited about.


Good to see & hear from you again Harry! Thank you for update on your projects. Looking forward to what you put out next as well as any updates you choose to share with us on Patreon. Have a wonderful rest of your day!


Thanks for the update!


Keep Killing it my dude!!!

Jacob Tucker

Awesome work as always, Harry. Looking forward to seeing these projects realized. One question I have about the preview you showed is Why doesn't Trillby just sell his comics rather than leave them in people's yards? Doesn't seem like a good use of resources.


Hey Eydi, thanks so much. The comic is at point now where I'm certain it's going to happen. Exciting indeed!


Thanks so much for your continued support, Zachary. Really humbled you've been a patron for so long.


Thank you Tobias. Sorry things haven't come together as quickly or as smoothly as I'd have liked but thanks for your continued support. Please stay in touch :)


That's a good question...He's an anti-social weirdo and selling them would require dealing with people, that's part of it. Also he doesn't want the monster situation to become publically known but figures that if people have actually seen a monster in the wild (people who might not normally frequent a comic shop) and stumble across one of his comics while taking out the trash etc, they'll recognise the creature they saw and pick up the comic to find some explanation to what they've experienced.


will do my dude ill be in touch in a few weeks!! keep doing ya thing

Trevor Bond

Always love to hear about future works! Thanks for the update, I hope you have a great time, and I am eagerly looking forward to Trilby in specific! Stay classy!


Thanks Trevor. I watched an old update video from March where I said the project would be done in April.....very shameful. All I can do is keep working and try my hardest. Trilby is coming!

Trevor Bond

Lol. Delays happen, it's inevitable. I've learned to put trust in the old axiom "Good things come to those who wait!"

Jacob Tucker

Fair enough. Anyway, Looking forward to all the stuff you have coming.


It's so interesting to see the face behind the animations I've been enjoying for so many years! Starbarians were an instant favourite and I'd love to draw fanart sometime, looking forward to their comic immensely as well as all the other projects you teased! Keep up the amazing work, Harry. Happy to be able to support you on Patreon at last!


The harald fairhair of patreon.


Thank you, Cam! Gonna share some comic art here on Patreon very soon (next 2-3 days) and Trilby will be out in Oct (or I'll eat my Trilby hat) x


This is the exclusive low grade content I signed up for... but seriously, while I can't wait to see more... I'm happy to wait regardless! The quality of your work always speaks for itself.