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THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me over the past few months. As you know, I've been working on other projects and I'm excited to follow Killgar's Kode with a much more complex original animated short based on a new character which will drop some time in September (if all goes to plan). Your support is helping me follow my dreams.



Killgar's Kode - HOW TO WIN A FIGHT (Episode 1)

patreon - https://www.patreon.com/harrypartridge twitter - https://twitter.com/happyharrytoons



Just got the notification. Going to watch it right now.

Trevor Bond

Now that's a heck of a culture! I am eager to learn more! I'm also curious how he became the last Killgarian... species-wide debate?

Jacob Tucker

Love this new Informational Comedy series. Looking forward to the Dogtooth!


This is pure gold!

Willit Dark

The ending, I almost cried haha


The ending crowned this.


This turned out great Harry! I'm very curious to see this new character... can't say I know what to expect, but I'm definitely excited! I hope everything you have in mind goes according to plan


Hah...if I EVER get around to telling that story, it'll be in the Starbarians movie. Oh boy...one day

Trevor Bond

How much we need to stump up for that to happen? Y'know.... for curiosity's sake, lol.


Had a meeting with an animation studio a while back...something in the "millions of dollars" range...so not exactly doable *yet*

Trevor Bond

Hm.... I'll have to get a shovel and start looking for some of that lost spanish gold... why couldn't they have lost stuff like that up here in Canada, dangit?!


I tried to show my mum your video and show her my name in the credits, it's not her thing and she isn't familiar with your work ^^; But hey, I am glad to have helped, as I always say you have helped me with my work and happy to return the favor. Take care Harry.


Aww, typically Mums aren't the Starbarians audience, but good work either way. Thanks so much for your support, Thomas. It's been so helpful :)


Looks great. Tho, not violent enought ^-^. Thank you, Harry!