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One of the last still images needed for KILLGAR'S KODE; showing a Killgarian newborn exploding from a birthing pit, complete with organic armor and birthblades.





Killgarian OBGYNs must be incredible weapon masters. Fending off newborns' unsated kill lust and instructing them on the finer points of using their birthblades.


I’m guessing you mean “pit”?


Slap that on a shirt, if not I wanna frame it.


So... They have no mom... That's why they don't bother to watch out their language since they have no one to kiss ;D


“Birthblades” is not a term I ever though I would utter in my lifetime, haha. Exploding and fierce straight into the universe to begin killing; truly a badass start to any Killgarian’s life.


Hah, sorry no shirt plans, but definitely going to do a killer Starbarians poster sometime soon.


Yeah, that's the idea! They don't grow any bigger (or smarter), just instant-monsters! Thanks, Zach :)


So in Starbarians 2, when Killgar’s naked... has he technically peeled his skin off?


How much money do I have to toss at you for a copy to be famed and how much more for a signed copy? ;) asking for a friend, and I am my own friend.


Well they’re badass since birth. Good to know.


is he disable or is he extra badass?

Anthony Luetmer

so how does a birthing pit work? does it have genetic material or something?


So does the D&Bs develop after birth orrrrr?

Trevor Bond

So organic armor and weaponry.... ah, the beauty of symbiosis in nature! Although I get a feeling they might, maybe, POSSIBLY have some aggression issues. Just a teense.


Hmm, lets wait until the cartoon is out and I'll see what I can do. Still gotta tweak the image before release :)


A bit of both, I could go into nerdy detail but it feels so cheap to do it in comments, hah! I will do some motion comics in the years end (along with Episode 4 and hopefully 5) to catch up on all the lore I want to explore :)


I love how absolutely ridiculous the Kilgarians are. Shared the finished video with my best friend and we were both in stitches after a rough evening. Thanks so much for everything you do!