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One cool thing about KILLGAR'S KODE will be the opportunity to introduce some tidbits of Starbarians lore. Here is a shot of 3 other Killgarians (Killgar's race) chasing a Babirusan (Hogstrong's race). The background was quickly slapped together from an old Skyrim cartoon, the finished image in the video won't be quite so dark.





All this lore will get me thinking of what it would be like to be a starbarian and what would I be like as a killgarian. Darn you Harry :)


Shit might as well make a Starbarian D&D class at this rate lol


Hah! I guess the Starbarians are kind of uneven as a class, Killgar would be a lot stronger than Hogstrong. Killgarians on the other hand are more consistently big and mean, but not that bright :)


Aww, well I just hope I can get some more content up soon. Extra lore doesn't mean much without stories to accompany it. Thanks, Jake :)


Uh... So Killgarians are really a race... I thought Killgar was just an eccentric unique Starbarian (which he is, but with no such related species atrributes), meh, so now the subsidiary questions are: Is Kilgar the most eccentric of his species, or the LESS ? And is that why he has Hogstrong as a team mate ? Is he an outcast ? Are they both ?


I feel bad going in to too much depth here (because it would be better in a cartoon!), but yes, they're both pretty eccentric for their race. Hogstrong doesn't exactly want to be partners with Killgar, but he has to be. Looking forward to telling that story at some point :)


Yeeeeah, I know it seems that way BUT this video got made very quickly as it's a slideshow format, and I will do more of those in the future to tell some stories I won't have time to animate. Definitely going to be able to tell a few Starbarians stories this year, somehow :)


Oh shit, Killgar looks relatively tame next to these guys! I see the Killgarians all have an affinity for spikes and dangerously-held weapons. No wonder Killgar is the way he is; it's in his nature, lol.



Anthony Luetmer

so are Babirusans a peaceful race like Hobbits?

Trevor Bond

Huh... hazards of looking like blue bacon I guess! Killgarians look like race you don't want to encounter. Now I'm curious... while Hogstrong is massively outclassed by Killgar in the combat department, I'm getting the feeling that as far as Babirusans go he's pretty much a slab of high aggression beef? Also, while I get Hogstrong's the 'likeable' one, their lovely list of crimes previously noted had a few that certainly don't seem overly Killgar-ish...


Hah, for sure Hogstrong is a big, tough Babirusan, and Killgar is a smaller, weaker-than-average Killgarian (at least visibly). As for the crimes, I really didn't think too much about what they'd entail, hope I can get to that at some point. The kidnap of Bustilda is probably something I wouldn't have Hogstrong go along with at this point, but I've written an episode that explains what happened immediately after, which makes Hogstrong's actions a bit more reasonable. Will get to it eventually!


I have written a "VOTE FOR KILLGAR" speech listing his stances on a few key issues, so yes, very possibly!

Trevor Bond

Smaller doesn't always mean less dangerous, lol. Killgar probably makes up for a lot of his size issues with fury. As for Bustilda, I figured it was either A) art appreciation (she is very attractive and the slave-kini thing has been a sci-fi fetish since Star Wars 3 lol), or B) profiteering (she's a princess, she's worth a lot to lots of people... especially since she's probably the de facto ruler if things went as sour for her prince as they look like they did!). Let's face it... you can ALWAYS use more gold to eat!


Woo I’m all happy to see Starbarians lore here. Makes seeing the cartoons so much more enjoyable (and they’re pretty damn good to begin with).