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Hey, so there are lots of ways you can ask me questions these days but I figured a dedicated monthly Q&A session might be a nice additional piece of content. If you want to ask me anything (within reason, I'm not going to count my own back hairs for you) please leave me a question in the comment section below and I'll put out an answers video this time next week. 



Hey Harry! I was wondering why you often switch between ToonBoom and Animate! Are there noticeable benefits between the two?

Jacob Tucker

Harry, are there any animators or animation directors that inspire your style in any way? Living or dead, feel free to name any that inspire you.


What's the guiltiest Saturday morning cartoon series you adore and wish other people did?

Anthony Luetmer

will we ever see origin story for the Starbarians?


Oh, this sounds fun! Qustion - How did you come up with the story for the 'Stephen the Lesbian' cartoon? Any specific inspiration?


What is your favorite random fact to tell strangers at parties? (It doesn't have to be about bees.)


Here's mine. How did you make a living since you started animating? Did you ever have to take on a job not related to animation or art? Sorry if it's too personal


Well since we can’t ask about back hairs, what about leg hair? (I’m kidding.) I mean you answered a ton of my questions when I last spoke to ya so I’m gonna skip this time :)


Q: Can Killgar's chin be doubled up as a knife to peel fruits for his clearly unbalanced diet?


Well, now that I have the certainty you'll read this, I just wanna ask you 2 things. 1.- You are a really big inspiration. I don't animate but you transmit me all your passion with every work you do. I wanna be a writer, and I have some experience with storytelling, I've been studing it for a long time. Currently I'm at it, studing cinema professionally (and by my own since I can remember). But here's the issue, in my country (México) there's no animation industry, neither public to start selling animated concepts, people is just too apathetic to this kind of art; we've some independent animation studios, but these are too small and never get attention. How do you think I can start changing national media's mind to find a way they want to finance my animation projects? I know it could be a very tricky and long answer, but genuinely I'm interested on your perspective. 2.- Would you rather eat chocolate shit flavored all your life or eat shit chocolate flavored all your life?


Q: have you made up backstory for your universe? I mean, obviously Sarbarians plays in a universe, but is Dr. Bees, Steven the Lesbian and all the other cartoons that don't relate to other content (so i am excluding the skyrim songs and the hitman cartoon and the solid snalke cartoon and stuff such as that); do they play in different universes or is it all one big Harry-verse? And are you open to fan theories about your universe, if it exists?


Any advantage or disadvantage to your career in being the offspring of a popular musician? Wondering if you'd give us a glimpse of growing up as Andy's son, without invading your family privacy too much. Big fan of both of you, and Holly as well - a very talented clan!


Are you really a fat cockroach? Asking for a friend.


Nicolas Cage Wants Cake! How did you come up with that video? It´s catchy and bizarre at the same time. 9 years later and I still can´t get it out of my head. Love it by the way!


Hey Harry! Love your work and your personality (at least the one that I see). I have a couple of questions, they may be a bit uncomfortable, but there's no hostility intended: 1. I remember that a while ago you tried to make a commitement to post more stuff on your channel. In one of the videos you've talked about drawing comics, real life, more simple animation - that sort of things. I figured that never went anywhere, can you tell a bit more about that idea and the reasons why it didn't fly? 2. Have you ever been offered a job, where you are given plots, but do them the way you want? Like an exclusive full-time contract, but without being just a slave animator? I mean you are a real tallent, it seems so weird that you didn't had a chance to make this your full-time job (at least I assume you haven't).


What is your favourite piece of media: a tv show, movie, book, anime, web series, album, etc... Also, if money was no object what would you do?


Not sure if you already do this or if it was already asked a million times but would you consider streaming some of the stuff you do on twitch or another streaming site?

Trevor Bond

Hum.... I'll have to wait to come up with something.

Gregor Scott

Hey Harry! Was wondering if you had advice for somebody looking to start their first year of trying to make animation solo? What kind of things should they focus on, how ambitious should they be? Any reflections on your own first year doing stuff that could be useful? Thanks and love your work, though I guess since I'm a patron that's a given at this point


Hi Harry! Love your work. Would you recommend Toon Boom over other software like Adobe Animate or TV Paint? I know animating isn't really about software, but figured I would ask anyways.


If there was one of your past cartoons that you feel you would be able to drastically improve or develop further if given the chance today, which would it be and why? 🤙


Thoughts on the Oscar for Best Animated Feature this year? Spider-man Into the Spiderverse finally dethrones Pixar's yearly win. Have you seen any animated movies/tv shows that have inspired you a lot in recent years?


If you had the money and resources would you make a live action Starbarians film? If so who would play Killgar and Hogstrong?


How did you transition into animating for a living? What was your financial situation like?


ohhh i think i know where this is coming from lmao xD


Yo, Harry! I'm new to animation and I have been reading through The Animators Survival Kit by Richard Williams. In your opinion, what is the most important thing to focus on in the book to help a new animator? Also, what subjects in the book you felt helped you the most when you might have been struggling with a cartoon? Thanks!!


Here ya go :) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-MABuTSEd6z8qLZR_qUrw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs-MABuTSEd6z8qLZR_qUrw</a>


Well now.. All these answers are incredibly informative. Thanks a lot for this Q&amp;A! Looking forward to the next one.