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Hello dear Patrons!

It feels weird. This is the longest I have spent not animating in years, and I don't intend to make a habit of this "not animating" thing.

The Starbarians graphic novel is a huge undertaking and, once again, I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Why didn't I start with a 25 or 50 page comic? Oh well, we're still on track for this project being officially finished and off to the printers in the summer. Finished pages are stacking up fast, and many more pencilled and unfinished pages are in progress!

Huge thanks to all of you who are supporting me through this period. I'm enjoying this change of pace, but working in the realm of comics has lit a fire under me to return to animation with more determination than ever before. I've had a few ideas for workflow efficiency and am confident 2024 will produce some of the best animations I've ever made, alongside the graphic novel too.

Thank you.




Pyronius Flamebringer

Detailed feet and not a pouch (or clothes for that matter) in sight?! Eat your heart out Leifeld!


Aww, we like the Liefeld here! Well.. 90s Liefeld. Modern Liefeld has lost the oomph for me. Bring back the pouches I say.

