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Omg I'm drawing like 10h a day here kasflsfd [dies] xdd, kind of in to it tho, it's like an endurance test.
Anyway, only two pages left, yay! Unfortunately tomorrow is the last day I can draw this week, so will have to finish the last pages later, should have time on Sunday I think. Tomorrow will upload page 6.
I might need to edit page 2 a bit, don't really like the light on the main panel with everyone standing, was a bit tired doing that bit, but idk, might look good when I look at it later, we'll see.

Let me know what you think, also if there's any grammar mistakes




Can't wait to see the hole comic~ Here are the corrections I suggest: P1 - Welcome Gentlemen, to Lyney's exclusive magic show! - Let's begin! P2 - Fuck me and cum inside P3 - Remember to not hold back P5 - I'm not touching that - Great job everyone


Thanks! It's not that I'm bad at English, I just have a hard time focusing when it comes to writing xddd Those are such random mistakes lol