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Rewards have been sent!!!!!

So there's a bit of slightly less good news, I wont be able to make any updates this and next week because I'm leaving on a trip and wont be able to draw until July 18th. When I get back I'll try to start working as soon as I can so I have something to show you guys, you'll have to wait a bit, sry >.<

Maybe I'll sketch some ideas on paper and let you pick what pose to use for who ever wins the poll, just so we have at least some communication :p

That's all for now, sorry for this less active first half of the month >.<



No worries! Enjoy the trip! :D


Thanks! I'll be honest, first time traveling by myself, kind of nervous :&lt;


Don't worry, you got this! I'm sure it'll go great! Even if there's any hiccups, only adds to the experience! ^w^


Safe travels! Hope you'll arrive to your destination without any problems, so you could enjoy your trip and relax to the fullest :3