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Next month (July) I'll be pausing my patreon because I want to rest and have a vacation. So there will be no new drawings for a bit, sorry!

Don't worry, you will not get charged! You can still stay here for July and then when it's August everything will go back to normal :3
I'll be leaving June reward links, so new people can still join. Basically July and June is like one long month now haha

Kind of sucks I have to do it, but I really need to rest D:
Like I love drawing, but the grind gets way too hard :(. Hope you will still stay with me and continue supporting me when I come back in August u.u


Michael Si

Take your vacation and rest and enjoy it. Burn out is a bitch and we shouldn't have to apologize when it impacts us. See you in August!

Alex Naranjo

Go get some rest king 👑💤