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Hello! It's been a hot minute. Hope the end of the year and the holiday season has treated y'all well. 2022 is almost over already. Can you believe it? I figured before the year ends, I will go ahead and give y'all some updates. 

First and foremost, just to get it out of the way, in case y'all didn't know from my socials, I got in a car wreck this month which left me out of commission for a little bit. I'm fine physically (... I think) but it's been a whole ordeal searching for a new one, dealing with insurance, as well as physically recovering. Because of this, I wasn't able to get a video done by the end of December as I thought it was unwise to crunch myself from a work perspective after my car and me already got crunched in a literal perspective. That being said, I was able to delay the sponsor segment for this month to January so you will be getting a new essay in January and I have already started work on it. I hope y'all understand. 

Second of all, I owe y'all some Patreon exclusive content. I went ahead and put out post for people in the suggestion eligible tiers to send in their suggestions and if all goes well, you should be seeing several Patreon exclusive videos in the next week or so. Sorry for the delay, but I hope I can make up for it satisfactorily. 

Thirdly, and this is just to keep y'all in the know: production has officially started on the Kingdom Hearts video. It's not going to be next video, maybe not even video after next, but the script is in the writing stage and the footage is starting to be captured. I can't see this being anything less than similar to my Berserk video, both in length and scope, meaning it might take a bit to assemble it all, but it's going to be quite a bulky thing when it's out. So, uh, look forward to that! I'll share more updates on it as I have them!

That's all for now. Thank you all so much for the support. 2022 was a massive year of growth for the channel and I couldn't be happier with the way things are. My main goal next year is to reach more stability and consistency while also upping quality. I hope you all stay tuned for the exciting possibilities of 2023 and I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your days. 



Take your time and heal up! Don’t neglect healing from the emotional trauma too. I’ve been in a fair share of wrecks it takes time.

Julia Krystosek

Please take care of yourself! Recovering from a car accident is way more important than giving us videos! <3


Always more important to take care of your health!

Charles Kieser

I’m sorry to hear about the accident - I hope you recover soon. Take all the time you need for that, of course


You'll be talking about Kingdom Hearts? I don't know if I should be excited or scared, so I'll choose to be a healthy mix of both!


Weird comment I know but this year you inspired me to write intentionally tropey fun fanfic about the long-running DnD game I'm in and it's been a lot of fun to just sit down and write for once! So thank you for that and I hope your recovery is a smooth one and you have a wonderful new year


I hope you get well soon and feel right as rain


Yes absolutely take your time