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Hello there!

I thought I’d pop in and give an update on what’s been going on and make sure y’all are up to speed. If you’ve been looking at my socials then you might already know this, but recently I had to make a pretty swift move to a new residence, for reasons relating to work issues, concerns over my physical and mental health, as well as my safety. I’m at the new place now, still in the process of unpacking and getting everything set up, but things have already been way better and I’m starting to feel back on my feet again. Which is great! But because of all of this, it has put me terribly behind.

I spent most of July in a weird rush of going from interview to interview and apartment hunting to finally packing and setting up movers and everything else that comes with the moving process, meaning times that I wasn’t working on moving, I was sort of in a weird state of fatigue? This means that I unfortunately missed the Patreon exclusive video for that month, which I have been kicking myself over ever since it happened. I am incredibly incredibly sorry. So I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to make this up to y’all and I think I figured out a way to do so.


That’s right! I have three Patreon exclusive videos now recorded that just need to be edited and then right after this post comes up, I’m going to put up the post for $10 and up users to put suggestions on what this month’s video will be so that I can record and edit that sometime this week.

Of the three that have been recorded, one is me rambling about Dear Evan Hansen, the other two are reactions to the two new Berserk chapters that have come out, because quite frankly I really enjoy doing those and I want to keep doing them so long as new chapters drop. I’ll be editing those during this week as well.

That’s the main stuff I’m trying to get out right now. I might try to sneak something else in, if time permits, but of course time is a fickle beast. I hope this will be enough to make up for the gap.


Ah, yes! Video essays.

I have been working on some, yes. I have two right now with the same amount of progress invested in them, though one is a more small scale project and another is a much much bigger grand affair a la the Berserk or AVGN video. I’m not going to promise a release on either of them, beyond the fact that it would be nice if I could get the smaller scale one out by the time I take a trip near the start of September. But I’m also not going to lie and say it’s a definite thing. The good news is that once I get everything properly finished and set up here, I’ll be able to do things like recording and working and editing a lot faster, thanks to the solitude and the internet that actually works.

That’s all for now! Just figured I’d keep y’all posted! Thank you once again for the support and kind messages, I truly do read everything y’all send and say and it always warms my heart, and I look forward to showing y’all everything that’s been being worked on!



Heck yeah love a good update. Look forward to the upcoming videos :)


Thanks for the update Emily :) excited for whatever you put out next, and enjoy your trip!