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Hello! Long time no see! 

First off, I would like to formally apologize for my silence here since the last update. As those of you who may follow my Twitter and other work can tell you, these last few months have been, well, a lot. Between the legal threat, real life issues, and the increasing scope* of the project, the Berserk vid has taken way longer than originally intended. I do apologize for it. In some ways, it's fitting that a video about Berserk accidentally created a hiatus.

Rest assured, though, I've been doing my best and working as hard as I can to make sure that the video is done and out within the next few days. I've been making very good progress and even re-recorded the Patreon credits today to make sure all new patrons got included in it.  

To help tide you over until then, however, and to make up for the absurdly long wait you all have had, I'm uploading the rough cut of the first 35 minutes of it and letting all my patrons have access to it. Now, I do want to emphasize that it is a rough cut. The main meat of the content is there, however there's still stuff that needs to be added in or changed. Things like additional background music, finalized graphics, title cards (which is why you may notice some black gaps; those are my way of making sure that I can tell to go back to add the thing). Stuff I usually add last in the process once I have everything laid out on the timeline and have a better idea of how to spice it all up. 

I do hope you enjoy this, though! And like I said, I'm doing what I can to ensure that the finished product will be out within the next few days! Thank you all so much! 

*it's shaping up to be an hour and 45 minutes


Lady Emily - Berserk Vid (ROUGH CUT - FIRST 35 MINUTES)

This is the rough cut of the first 35 minutes of Lady Emily's Berserk video. Things like transitions, additional music, revised graphics, and other sorts of changes will be added for the final product. But for now, enjoy this tiny sneak peak.



I've never thought of uploading a rough cut as Patreon content before. That's actually really cool! I bet a lot of people would find it interesting to see the different steps of the video's creation


Love the cliffhanger you left us off on! I can't wait for the full thing 😄