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Hello! Good morning! 

I'm here with exciting news! The channel has reached 10,000 subscribers! I have no idea how that happened! This is surreal! I keep refreshing the subscription page just in case Youtube is playing a joke on me but nope! It's happening! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

So if you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen me mention doing a Q&A when we hit the 10K mark. This was something I always planned to do because, well, I like stuff like this. But people seemed really into it so now I'm even more down for doing one.

So! With that in mind, I figured I would go ahead and get the ball rolling on this thing, starting with you all. The Q&A will be pre-recorded, as that seemed to be the most popular request, and edited and released publicly like any normal video (with no charge though because that would be weird as hell). Because of that, I'm going to need questions submitted ahead of time. So if you have any questions about me or any of my work, comment down below on this post! Patrons get priority for this, meaning that if you submit a question, it's going to be answered.*

Thank you all for your time and thank you all for your support! It really means a lot. Seeing the channel grow so much in such a short amount of time has been wonderful in a way I can't describe. I hope you all have a great rest of your day and I look forward to seeing whatever questions y'all come up with! 

*Exception here for anything I may find to be too intrusive or makes me uncomfortable or that I don't feel like I can talk about. If that happens, I'll let you know and ask for a different question. I hope you understand! 


Caden Meyer

Your second video seemed to come out pretty quickly after the first one, considering the length (at least compared to most video essay YouTubers), are you planning on keeping up that pace in the future? Also, I'm 100% on your side in the #feud against the tyrannical, Coolsville-hating Sarah Z 😤✊


Pissy shitties??f