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The boyfriend showed me The Legends of Vox Machina (a DnD-themed adult animated show), and after we finished the first season, I got so inspired I came up with an idea for a new OC!

He has no name yet, but I do know I want him to be a Warlock with a Celestial being as his patron. I'll update y'all if I came up with more ideas for him, I'm still getting a feel for his design as this might not be his final overall design, but for now these are what I got!

There's something about DnD-themed inspirations that made me more careful and meticulous in OC creation. I dunno why that is, but I like taking my time on it. <3




Plz I can only fall in love so much 😭💙


Wow. He's cute.


aaahhh what a cutie patootie


So big yet so soft &lt;3

Allan Meyer

He’s beautiful


He so cute and THICC!


Oh my gosh! I love him and I want to know more about him!