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After so many years of drawing him on and off, redesigning him on almost every picture, I FINALLY settled on a design and personality for this wolf dad. Or should I say daddy?

I'll behave im sorry >_>

Rewards are sent! <3 I notice there's been a slight delay with messaging these days, so if the reward isn't in the inbox yet by the time you see this post, please be patient! It's generally gonna be sent in 15 or so minutes at most.




You don't need to behave! And this guy is FANTASTIC! Totally Daddy material!


God damn dude, this guy is beautiful 😍


HELLO SIR 😳 absolutely in love with this man akjdbdla

Redwine85 (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-22 17:46:58 The end of that leash is pulling Ligart's collar... Okay I'll see myself out for that, also never apologize for it embrace it. &gt;//&gt;
2022-02-20 02:14:53 The end of that leash is pulling Ligart's collar... Okay I'll see myself out for that, also never apologize for it embrace it. >//>

The end of that leash is pulling Ligart's collar... Okay I'll see myself out for that, also never apologize for it embrace it. >//>