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I was feeling very uncreative these past couple of weeks, so I asked my bff to have an art day. As in we'd hang online, put a series on in the background we can idly enjoy, and I'd doodle during it.

In these scenarios, my art drive and creativity almost ALWAYS shot through the roof, I got lost in it and doodled all these in one go!

These are mostly mine and his OCs, and I really love how they came out! Hope y'all like em too! <3

I post the full res here, and I'll also post some of the low res versions on Twitter later!




I love how you and Jugger bring out the best out of each other. ❤️


All the pits stuff 👀💦💦


Honestly same &lt;3 I'm at my most creative when we bounce ideas off each other.


You guys are the best; it's even better when you team up and just have fun. Happy for ya!


Yeah, artist slumps are no fun at all. Glad to hear you're doing better! 👍


Roe tiddies in the 4th pic are *chefs kiss*


I see pit worship was the theme for your creativity and art drive. ;3c

Allan Meyer

Adorable and hot. Love it all.


Oh the arrow one is soo cute. I love your action or magic based pi tunes so much they are so creative

Vex the Pichu

My two favorite things: pits and tits 👀💗