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I'm super invested in these boys, and we still haven't even given them names yet!

I have this idea where Weapon-san have two forms, a hammer form and a morning star form... That's what Meister-kun is holding on the 3rd sketch.

Also my headcanon is Meister-kun has STRONG arms because both Weapon-san's forms are heavy weaponry u///v///u (Also I love strong arms...)




I want to see more these two. They’re so adorable together


God, I love them so much 🥺


Handsome! I wish them happiness forever. 💛


These guys are so cute together I'm enjoying see them a lot. I do wonder if the one that changes to the weapon gets a little dizzy when the other spins the chain lol.


tropical punk boy x prim proper suit is such a good pair


I've been meaning to watch Soul Eater for a long time now, but haven't got around to doing that. I'm wrapping up another run of watching 5ds atm.

MyUWU (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-13 19:26:21 i love that couple <3 give us more of those cuties
2021-03-05 08:16:56 i love that couple <3 give us more of those cuties

i love that couple <3 give us more of those cuties


"No one's been strong enough to use me properly so far why would you be any different. It's not just about the arm strength or the compatibility it's gotta be both." "Well, let's give it a shot, at least. Worst case scenario its the same as usual, except it's my hands on you." "..."