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Hi everyone! I, uh, I don't know how to say this delicately so I will just get right on it!

My stepmom tested positive for Covid-19. It's fortunate that her only symptom, currently, is lost sense of smell. We're gonna take her to the doctor tomorrow for further testing and to get correct meds before starting self quarantine.

The whole family is doing self quarantine too for now, and we're all going to get swab tests early tomorrow. Here's hoping for the best for all of us, and I will give an update about the result when we get them.

Hopefully this won't affect my post frequency or quality over here, but if it ever does, I apologize in advance!

Also, please keep wearing your masks and wash your hands.


Luis Luna

Sorry to hear man :( Best wishes to your family and yourself, I hope everything ends up well!


One jm so sorry to hear that. Hope everything turns out alright


I'm so sorry D: here's hoping for a speedy recovery


Oh no. I'm so sorry, Koku. I really hope for the best for you and your family and a speedy recovery for your step mom. Don't worry about your posting schedule. This is very serious stuff. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Ivan Padilla

Just take care of yourself! We'll still be here to support you. If you need anything or to vent let me know! Be safe and hope she recovers quickly.


I hope your family has a quick recovery

Ben Waldburger

Oh, dear. I’m hoping for the best in every sense.


I'll be praying everything goes well with your family. It goes to show how this sickness is bigger than the USA alone. :(


Best wishes for you and your entire family during this time.


Stay safe and take care of yourself!!!


Hope she gets well soon!