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So I'm back doing game dev for Risky Sanctuary.

Grid based fun

I'm gonna spend much of the month redoing the building system from scratch. Basically I'm now using an open-source library called Sylve! Hopefully it'll end well and I won't waste my time with it (unlike Unity's localization system and multiplayer).

I'm doing my best so the player can build multiple story buildings. But right now I just started working on the walls, so they can be thin as hell! Hello windows, hello doors.

The game will use autotiling to spawn the structures while the player draws them on the ground! I may even have an idea for a basic roof. Just so you can take nicer screenshots  from outside UwU (more about this here).

More game ideas

Obviously this comes with new ideas for the gameplay. Like buying surrounding proprieties to build a bigger club. But I won't add too many new mechanics since I want the game to feel more like a casual experience, or even a toy when playing in creative mode.

It's also gonna be easier for me to handle all the objects on the map and avoid floating objects (like I ever cared about it) or overlapping furnitures (this is a big deal actually).

Anyway if you have any ideas you'd love to see in a sex club building game, I'll be happy to discuss it with you in the comments below! In the meanwhile I'll go back to work and try to finish a first build before the end of the month!!




My personal fav colony-sim type game is RimWorld. Perhaps you could add some features like "regulars" to the shops? Maybe the staff likes/dislikes them. Perhaps the town can have a set number of people, and if people break the rules, you have to decide as a player what constitutes a ban? Banning people can potentially lead to less funds, but not banning rule offenders could leave other folks unsatisfied


Having more personalized patrons may also lead into adding player-npc interactions. Maybe a first person option to interact with patrons in the building? Also allowing for POV animations for the all-important sex appeal lol Even if the animations are low-quality (since they're not meant to be seen close up all too much), it would be nice to see anyways


I love your thoughts for the customers, I'll think about a way to add something in that tone UwU And yeah I'd love to allow a FPS view if possible, plus it will be a good way to add some kind of shared screen multiplayer. If people want to wash cum with friends somehow XD so they can also visit freely their club and watch the animations from close