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Just a reminder, you can play the ongoing version of Daggan on this patreon! 

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Password: bitethebooty

But wait: You can also help me, after playing, just fill this playtest form! 




I hadn't played since a few releases ago, nice work on the new enemies, and boss! some thoughts Resource balance seems pretty wack at the moment, allies gather at incredible speed as long as you can bother to babysit them, you get loads of resources from sexing the map NPC's, and the market feels pretty broken with how much stuff one gold gets you. Maybe allies could gather slower, but trees and rocks would last longer without breaking? Gold should either be more rare or required for more things, maybe all buildings could cost some gold? (And the player would start with some) Or put all gold deposits in the dungeons, and have npc's only give a small amount? Game should end if player's last ally dies (I didn't actually try if it works like this at the moment : D this is just something I remember thinking before) Custom game could use more options, like wave size multiplier, resource multiplier and ability to turn on first night attacks (I remember some ancient version of Daggan had enemies attack on the first night..) Have you tried making enemies spawn all the way through the night instead of all at once/one after the other? Might work, and make the game a bit more challenging as the player would have to stay on their toes all night instead of getting a break until next night after taking care of the attack wave. And last but not least... The thing I find most enjoyable about Daggan is the 3rd person city building. But right now it doesn't feel very satisfying since the game ends after 7 days (or however many you set in custom game), and you can't save. I think it would be cool if the game played more around the city management aspect, and had no time limit. Not sure what direction you're looking to take the game, or if you'll keep it as it is, but the player could be given some long term goals to accomplish around the map/in their city, or the enemy waves could get stronger and stronger until they inevitably destroy more stuff in a night than the player can rebuild during the day.. Anyway, thanks for the hard work, I'm looking forward to playing future versions!


The gameplay itself is fun and doesn't get boring quickly, my main problem is lack of more animations while having sex with "your" npc's (psst. haven't played 11.2 yet because i'm on mac but i'll try new version asap on pc)


Because of the huge amount of time to animate each new sex position, I won't add any more for the moment! I focus mainly on the gameplay and the fixingbugs UwU