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Well today was again really productive !

1/ I spent the afternoon working on the new ingame gallery. Now you can enjoy all the illustrations and read a few informations about the featured characters.

2/ Another nice new feature ? A lot of sound effects were implemented in the card game and that's way better to play it now !

2/I also took the time to fixe an annoying issue with the GameOver. It was messing with the ESC button and everything was broken !

I'll try to add another interesting feature : the statistics. A page with detailed informations about your game experience like how many sex games you played, how many enemies you killed, et cetera.

Tonight I plan to finish another illustration: Flying Tongues and if I manage to finish another one in the morning , the public release tomorrowo night will be really satisfying ! 

But that's a lot of work and monday will be tough X)

Kisses, Malerouille



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