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For the past several weeks, I've been working on a new model for Lotti. The one used until now has been a quickly-made placeholder, so I'm happy to finally improve its quality. At this point, the model itself it mostly done, but the changes also included large adjustments of the skeleton, which requires all its animations to be remade. So it will be a bit longer before I'm able to add it to the game.

This was another good learning experience. I made some early mistakes that slowed down progress in the long run, but now that I know more, I should be able to work faster when making future characters.

Next Steps

I know people are chomping at the bit for new content. I think after this, I'm going to focus on making a wide-but-shallow pool of characters that start with some basic animations, and then later add more to the characters.

People have been asking about adding the ability to eat more than one character. I've recently come up with a system for accomplishing this, but adding it to the existing Geier will take a lot of work and time that I could spend on new characters. I've decided to leave Geier as-is for now and implement the system in new characters as I create them. Hopefully I'll be able to add it to him later once I've made more content.




Lotti looks adorable and I'm super excited for the upcoming changes hope you're doing alright Levy take care please ❤️