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I recently agreed to a project that I thought would only last a few weeks, but turned out to be a ridiculous amount of work and instead lasted several months. Thankfully, that project is now complete, so hopefully I can return to providing regular updates again.

Gamepad Support and Remapping

I originally starting adding this functionality so more VR devices would actually be able to play the game. I figured I might as well add standard gamepad support as well, and altogether this ended up being a whole can of worms. However, all standard and VR gamepads should now be usable with the game with the ability to rebind their inputs. As with VR headsets, I'm limited to the hardware I own for testing, but I feel I've come up with a fairly flexible system. There are still some bits that will need to be ironed out in the future.

With the ability to use gamepads for gameplay also comes the ability to use them for navigating the menus. It's important to note that fullscreen mode will only work when you click on it with a mouse because of browser security, so I may move that option out of the menu in the future.

On-screen prompts currently only show your keyboard key bindings. Figuring out how to display buttons for gamepads is going to be a whole new problem unto itself.

Your browser will remember your gamepad bindings, though for now, will not save your other settings, since they are in a state of high flux and keeping up with compatibility of previous versions would add a lot to my workload. Also, larger updates in the future will likely reset your gamepad bindings. Storing them was only added for now because currently the only way to reset the game is to refresh the webpage, which would lose your bindings and force you to rebind them every time you wanted to reset.

Playing Hungry Critters

Patrons can play this version here.

Predator tier patrons can download the source code from within the game with their Patreon account.



gabriele benassi

first of all happy new year, you did a great job LongLevy, I can't wait to try it, then I would like to ask you two questions. 1) if you are thinking or developing in the game that the rabbit moves randomly in order to chase it 2) if you can place more than one rabbit in order to feed the Geier as much as possible

gabriele benassi

hi LongLevy I tested the latest update and the reset option in the menu is always disabled, so once it has been digested, you have to reload the whole game to start again is this normal?


Thank you! I planned to make Lotti run around at some point, but I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. It should be fairly easy to add at this point though, so I'll see if I can fit it in in the next update. I've come up an idea for how to make eating multiple prey work, but it take some time to add. I would like it to be one of the next features I add.


I have temporarily disabled the reset option because it now causes a terrible memory leak and makes the game very slow. I'm still having difficulty getting JavaScript to free up unneeded memory and will need to learn more about it.