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You can now log in to Hungry Critters with your Patreon account to access your tier benefits. Tier patrons will always have access to the latest version, while the public version will be periodically updated whenever I feel significant progress has been made. Some features may remain patron-only.

This process uses Patreon's OAuth API, which means that I won't be able to see your log in credentials. The source files will now be available to download from inside HC for those with the corresponding tier.

Implementing this was pretty difficult! Patreon's API is not well-documented, so it took a lot of trial and error and digging through other people's code to figure things out. I learned a lot though, and I'm rather proud that I was able to pull this off. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't just explode when it goes live.

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Is it just me or is there no sound in this release?


It's not just you; it turns out the latest update broke the sound. Unfortunately, I won't be able to fix it until much later today.