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So this is the result of the second of my explorations of options for my next project: a 3D game using Three.js. I'm actually blown away by how far I was able to get in just a week, and the quality I was able to achieve in a browser.

I think it goes without saying that I'm going to pursue this option. I've got all kinds of ideas already. I'm trying not to take too much time to make things perfect right away; my first priority is getting vore into peoples' hands right away. I'll improve the assets over time.

This currently uses the automatically-(over-)decimated model I made for the 2D vector game with normal and ambient occlusion maps to clean it up a bit, and I already feel like it's pretty good.






May have to up my pledge if Manatsubi comes in to this


To be honest, it's not likely to happen. I'd have to ask for money from the character owner, plus I'm not so sure the character would translate well to 3D, anyway. I feel that the enemies I do add will be every bit as good, though.