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Hi Patrons!

We're looking to collect your favorite RTR Reaction Moments from this year to put together a recap video! Please submit the Show or Movie + Time Stamp of when your fav reaction moment occurred. (Needs to be reaction from this year!)

You can be anonymous with your submission or get a shoutout as co-creator of the finished production :)

Everyone that submits a Fav Moment will also be entered into a Raffle for a Free Executive Producer slot for January- 60 minutes or less.  (You need to be an active and paid patron in January to qualify) Every favorite moment gets you an additional submission into the raffle. (But each submission needs to be separate form submission)

We will pull the winner from the Raffle and post that on January 2nd! 

Link to Form:


We look forward to your submissions! 

RJ And Jrabbit



Fay K

Can I submit multiple times? (Not to enter into the raffle necessarily) but there are a bunch of moments that made me smile this year and it might take some time to track down them all


So many great moments, this is gonna be a long video! ♥️