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Hi Patrons!

Something new and hopefully something fun :D

See video here:


Reminder on the rules:

1) Suggest one movie for myself and one movie for RJ in one post at a time. 

2) Wait until we send you a DM on whether you are correct or not before submitting any other guesses. 

3) Those that don't follow these rules, will be disqualified. 

4) Once you get feedback from us, we'll delete your original post, and you can post new guesses. 

Whoever first guesses which movies (scary) put RJ and I on to the Horror Movie genre, wins! 

We both have different movies so it will be two different answers! 

Winner gets to sponsor a 60 minute or less show at no cost! :D

Good Luck!

RJ and Jrabbit




RJ-Nightmare on Elm Street Jrabbit-jaws


Sorry for the delay guys! We have a winner! Seejay with both correct guesses! Previously guessed Poltergeist for me and then with the win on guessing The Exorcist for RJ :D


🎉 I somehow missed this earlier. Yaay thanks guys. These are both top tier scary movies 🎉