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Come and check out Doctor Who 6x12 Closing Time - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

LInk: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eFULM-qACBWWJOR_Hm_qC6c4n4vC5AHx/view?usp=drive_link




This episode always feels a little out of place to me. It has more of a Christmas Special feel to it, and (apart from the last 5 minutes) definitely does not have a penultimate episode vibe. Maybe that's because we've had 2 part finales for the last 5 seasons. If you remember back at the beginning of the season the Doctor who dies is 200 years older than the Doctor who they meet at the diner. So this episode is set 200 years in the future from the Doctor's perspective, he's been travelling on his own for a long time since the hotel episode. It's not clear exactly how much time has passed on earth, but I guess enough for Amy to be a famous model now (I'm assuming she's famous because why else would the little girl want her autograph?).

Jeremy Burch

I actually liked the episode. I liked seeing Craig back and seeing that he had a family. I liked the Doctor being able to talk baby. I also liked the moment near the end when I thought Craig was going to die and I was thinking, oh, no, not another person I like dying and then he was able to breakout when he heard his baby crying. Plus, of course everything at the end building up to the next episode. I think, like the comment above said, the placement of the episode feels a little off, it's going from what happened in the previous episode, into this, while knowing that the next episode is the finale. It feels like the show took a pause and your just waiting for it to get back to the story and the finale. But the other problem is, it also makes sense to be placed here, because it's the Doctor after he left Amy, after he has been wandering around space and time alone, knowing that his time is running out and he just wants to see an old friend before he dies. So, the episodes placement both works and doesn't work. Thanks for the reaction, I look forward to the finale.