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Hi Patrons, 

Apologies for the delay, it looks like there was another possible incident of spoilers on one of the series we are currently watching. I just got caught up on reading DMs so this may have been from a few days ago.

So first off, for the majority of time, 99% of the time, spoilers have been a non issue and we appreciate this community so much specifically for that. And we want to keep things that way! It makes reacting so much more authentic and genuine when we have no expectations for what's to come. 

RJ And I thought it might be helpful to clarify a few examples of what spoilers are to make it less confusing. And we think a best practice may be, if you aren't sure its a spoiler, don't say anything. 

So a couple of examples- (I kept the examples purposely vague to avoid spoiling others..lol) 

If anyone else wants to add examples in the comments -go right ahead! :

1) Revealing characters, actors, or appearances in upcoming episodes, movies, or seasons that we haven't yet been introduced to. 

2) Revealing upcoming plot developments or the direction a series or movie will go that we haven't been introduced to yet. 

3) Revealing expectations of a characters personal development that we haven't yet been introduced to

4) Revealing that an upcoming episode is going to have a twist or a big surprise

5) Revealing a decision a character or the show is going to make that we haven't yet been introduced to.

I do read a lot of the comments that come through on my phone and have had instances in which I was then spoiled but have done a good job of not telling RJ.

We absolutely love those of you that leave comments that review the specific episode or movie we've watched and love engaging with you on those kind of comments! 

Again, the community has done an exceptional job of avoiding spoilers, I think Doctor Who's reactions especially are a testament to that! 

Thank you all for your understanding and let us know if you need anything clarified!

RJ and Jrabbit



Rurouni Wallace

I think it’s really important to emphasize that revealing that an upcoming episode will have a plot development or plot twist is absolutely a spoiler, even if you don’t go into specifics about what the plot development is. This is something that’s common for people to do not just on this channel. To say something like “Oh man, get ready for episode 6, it’s going to blow your mind” biases the viewer going into the episode, and the fact that they’re expecting something to happen—even if they don’t know the specifics—ruins the fun/surprise factor


Agreed. When I was drafting this post RJ said "Tell them- we want to know NOTHING" lol I'll say we do appreciate comments though, when we particularly don't like an episode, that there's better on the way. Just that vague acknowledgement that things do improve is motivating on those struggle episodes we have. But again that's more so just to address a series that may have a rough start. Again I reference Doctor Who, Parks and Rec, and Schitts Creek. Nothing was spoiled but there was a general consensus shared that those episodes are rough but the series improves.


I understand people being confused about spoiler in the reaction world. When I first started watching reactions I considered "spoilers" to be plot points only. This is because I knew the term from back on the source of all internet television terminology, The X-Files message boards in the 90s. And that was the definition at that time (and I think is still the general definition outside of reactions as well). I get not wanting to spoil a surprise guest star or major or minor plot point, but sometimes I am amazed at how blind some reactors and fans want to be going in. I know some get annoyed if even the leads who are on every thumbnail and poster are mentioned. I swear you could be like; Tom Cruise is the star of Top Gun. And they'd FLIP! lol. I apologize for that "spoiler" if you happen live in a cave somewhere near the core of the earth and somehow didn't just know that from being a human on earth in 2023. I just was going for an example that seemed hard to actually spoil someone on. But yes, the idea has evolved over the years and it's no shame to trip up here and there. And I thank RJ and JR for taking the time to post these reminders and clarifications, so that we know their parameters.


Omg yeah we're not that ridiculous. I mean maybe a little with Marvel since we even avoid the first trailers because we've found the trailers reveal way too much now adays. I'm definitely scorned when it comes to spoilers having had the the 6th Sense twist spoiled right before I saw that movie. I will never forgive that random stranger..lol And I totally get the occasion slipup - I have the hardest time watching the sponsored show - His Dark materials and even Interview with the Vampire- because I know the context more than RJ does and have to really be careful not to spoil stuff. He saw both original movies with me but probably slept through them..lol And its easy to get excited about what's coming and want to be like "You don't even know where its going babe!" lol Thanks for understanding! We appreciate comments like this and the support for sure :)