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Hi Patrons, 

RJ and I just got home a little while ago and started posting today's content and catching up on responding to new Patrons :) 

We did receive a number of messages that there may have been spoilers on a post today in reference to Barbie. 

We haven't reviewed the comments but will just avoid them entirely to avoid any possible spoilers because as you all know, we really like to go in with little to no knowledge of the films we watch :D If there were any specifics in the comments that we did need to respond to or that were referencing something entirely outside of the movie- please just message us - so we can avoid accidently reading a spoiler if those are in fact on that post :) 

Thanks for the continued support!

RJ and Jrabbit



Fay K


It seems like you're referring to my comment here. Is it now already considered "hateful" to voice a negative opinion about a MOVIE that I've seen? I wasn't even making any of the dumb "anti-woke" points that can be commonly seen when reading reviews of this movie... I wasn't making any personal attacks towards anyone involved nor did I spoil the movie in any way. By that standard all negative movie/game/music-reviews are hateful speech.