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Come and check out Doctor Who 6x6 The Almost People - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XPi4zHO__R-_DNpVTh4DDtNpxFCr-9RQ/view?usp=drive_link



Jeremy Burch

Great reaction, I thought this was just an alright episode, other than the twist, which was crazy. I feel like it was less focused then the last episode, I think the two-parter was necessary though, I don't think it could have taken one of the episodes away. However, I do think 20 minutes of this episode just largely involved running and Rory being repeatedly manipulated by Jennifer, which wasn't the most interesting. I know they were trying to show us that Jennifer was becoming a monster, but I think literally turning her into one was unnecessary and didn't really work. But their were still some good parts, I liked the switch of the shoes with The Doctor, I thought the twist at the end was great, I love that the Doctor is still out here trying to get humanity to be better. I also found it interesting that Jennifer, who connected with Rory first and who was the first one to show us a sympathetic side to the Gangers, was the one who became most violent and vicious, turning into a monster. I look forward to the next one.


Just breathe. OMGoodness when I first watched this episode I kept wondering why The Doctor kept telling Amy to "breathe", I'd suspected she was pregnant from the silence episode and concluded it was memory loss of some kind, but thought she was still in her first trimester. Which made the reveal so much better because after a full two parter, it never crossed my mind that she was actually a flesh. And that last scene at the end was so emotional especially with the background music. It really goes to show the devil is not always in the detail, but staring right at you. Anyways I cannot wait for when they find Amy and her baby. I wonder how y'alls feel about all four of them flying in the Tardis together ????? If that can even be possible.