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Hi Patrons!

The last two months have been a little hectic with our travels so again ran out of time for a video message this month- but so thankful as always for the support this month again! 

We are so grateful and appreciative of everyone who pledged again for July even with our amended schedules for traveling! Thank you for everyone's patience on the delays in responding to messages and onboarding new patrons during our trip!! You guys make all of our work worth it!

Thank you for all of the positive messages, the DMs checking in on us during our trip, and just again for general patience during our time away! Also, thanks a lot for the patience as we conquer jet lag and apologies for a few extra yawns popping up in recent reactions! We're nearly there- promise! 

We hope to see you all back for August and if not- we wish you all the best!

Special thanks to our MVPs and EPs for this month and all of your sponsorships- we hope you enjoy/have enjoyed those reactions too!

We look forward to getting ramped up and back to our regular schedules in August! 

Last chance to drop recommendations for the new show and new movie polls that will go up tomorrow!
Show Recommendations:   https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-new-show-86817471
Movie Recommendations: https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-new-movie-86817422

I'm going to be responding to those tonight and tomorrow :) 

Friendly reminder for EP winners for August- Do not pledge up until tomorrow! Link to winners here:

Thank you thank you thank you for all the continued support! We love you guys lots and look forward to August

With lots of appreciation,

RJ and Jrabbit




We tried to look like it was all good, but on the inside, we all were wishing you too get back asap lol jk But I cant speak for anyone else, but I think you folks deserve some good breaks. Lifes a drag if you feel too stuck in the daily grind, for too long. Plus I think you mentioned Europe so wow, I’ve never been there, but who could pass up that opportunity if it presented itself, you know? Especially if its family. Btw, sometime you should tell us what made the plane ride there so bad, im curious as im going to the south pacific in December (first overseas flight) you said on one of the reactions it was the worst! I mean, that is if/ when youve healed from that traumatic sounding experience lol jk Hope your evening rocks and thanks for tolerating these often long messages lol


If anyone deserved a good ol vacation its you. Y'all be busting your asses with day jobs, raising family, and doing reactions. Although totally glad to see you back, need my RTR fix 😆