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Hi July Patrons!

Special thanks to everyone who pledged again for July, welcome back! And welcome to those of you that are new this month!

Today is Billing Day and  please be advised that if you're adjusting your pledges or are new to our Patreon- Notifications from Patreon are typically really delayed on Billing Day and we typically can't see those changes until later in the day or even the next day when we get an onslaught of notifications all at once. If you're concerned at all that we haven't seen your pledge- please just send us a Direct Message so we can look that up for you!

In the meantime, while everything settles, we have this month's polls going for New Show and New Movie reactions!  Be sure to weigh in!  (And remember you can vote for more than one ) Regular posting will resume again then on the 3rd :)

Special thanks to the following Patrons for their recommendations on which New Shows we should react to this month:

Kallista, Jessi, Ty Fields, SeeJay, GaryJerryLarry, Adam Grunther, KMR, JosiahKane, Jojo77, Taylor, Pamela Chandler Rash, Big Mike, Bjorn Petersen, Kenneth Segovia, Brian, Ben M., Nicki, David Crabtree, Jeremy Burch, Ricardo Bautista, Ashleep, Fay K, Miguel Bravo, E. Kensington, Bananahammock55, Alivia Ballard, Jamal 92, Christina Jones, EmmaC, Donkey Lips, Jay, Jax Galasso, Maria

Thanks to all of you!

Because there were soooo many suggestions, we split the recommendations in to several polls- so be sure to weigh in on each!

Winners will be announced Tuesday July 4th :D

Thanks again for all the support!

RJ & Jrabbit


Fredrik IB

Seeing as shows like Scrubs and Titans appear on these polls, are there any hopes for Chuck Season 5 to be on one of these as well?

Fay K

You have to suggest it. They do show suggestions at the end of each month. You can put Chuck Season 5 at the end of this month and if they haven’t seen it, it’ll appear for new show to be voted in for August

John Stam

I really hope it's not big bang theory.

Fay K

Scrubs looks like it’s winning However, although I don’t share those feelings about BBT. I hope it’s not House of the Dragon. Everyone has preferences


I don't hate TBBT, I watched it and found it inoffensive and sometimes funny. But I'd hate to see it win only because it's so long and not something I'm particularly interested in seeing other people's reactions to. I haven't watched HOTD, but if it were between those two, I'd go with HOTD because it would be over sooner and seems more "reaction worthy" for the people that do watch it rather than a multi-camera sitcom that refused to die. This comment is intended to be lighthearted. Just throwing another personal perspective out there, not trying to diss or sway anyone.

John Stam

The reason i think sunny is the best comedy on tv is because it’s offensive at times, it pushes buttons and addresses uncomfortable topics, usually in a clever way. Tbbt is just so vanilla. Go to YouTube and watch big bang theory without laugh track. It’s the least funny thing ever. I REALLY hope Yellowjackets wins but it prolly won’t unfortunately