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Come and check out Doctor Who 5x12 The Pandorica Opens - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qw2EqTxUmU7jp3ji0Ud61GBNjg_H4Crm/view?usp=sharing



Patrick McMahon

Finally to the season finale! This two parter is my favorite and this is my favorite finale. I love the speech The Doctor gives standing in the middle of Stonehenge. Matt Smith is awesome at giving these powerful monologues. Also, watching him struggle as he gets is dragged to the Pandorica stresses me out, now, he's trapped inside. River, stuck in the Tardis when it explodes. Rory shooting Amy. The whole universe disapearing, I can't, this is too much. Very excited for you next reaction.


That's a Who Shot JR? style cliffhanger. That's a Dallas reference from my toddlerhood in the early 80s, so if you don't get it, don't worry. That monologue at the end is one of my favorite Matt Smith moments. And yes, the character of River is compelling as all get out and very well utilized. I'll pretend I haven't seen this before and say how excited I am to see Rory again and I hope he sticks around. See you in the next one!


The above may or may not be an example of something I mentioned in another comment.


The Roman's and Rory are Nestine Duplicates. We first saw them in the first Doctor Who episode you ever watched when all the mannequins came to life (living plastic). These Roman ones are a bit more advanced and look completely human. When Amy's memories were taken, there was a photo of Amy and Rory dressed as a police woman and roman soldier tucked in the middle of the book. I guess that somehow confused their trap since they were creating the romans from the book, Rory ended up being created too. Since Rory was real at some point, he was recreated with his memories. So Centurion Rory is really physically there, but it's a plastic copy of Rory containing the real Rory's memories. When all the other plastic soldiers activated, Rory tried to fight it, but couldn't control the weapon aspect, and in turn shoots Amy. River trapped in an exploding Tardis. Doctor locked in the most secure prison box ever constructed. Rory is living plastic trying to fight activation. And Amy has been shot. Has there ever been such a bigger cliffhanger?

Jeremy Burch

Great reaction, This was a Doctor Who's who with all the enemies of the Doctor we've seen in the series so far, plus Van Gogh, Churchill, the robot scientist, River and Rory. It was a really great and intense episode, ending with Amy shot and looking like she's dead, the Tardis exploding with River inside, looking like she's dead and the Doctor trapped in an inescapable prison, well, guess this is the end of the series, it's been a great run, just kidding, I look forward to the next episode to find out what the Doctor can do next.