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Come and check out Torchwood 1x7 - MVP Sponsored reaction - Available on the drive now!

Special thanks to MVP SeeJay for sponsoring this reaction!

FULL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q_WpQ1QNZIOki1xqX_PiNJj3sTPljQJw/view?usp=sharing

Edited: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q_31GAoj0BKQsblBDBixPUIHtTq5lYuF/view?usp=sharing




You will learn a bit more about their backstory and how this version of Torchwood exists, but although they are highly trained professionals, however they aren't quite as slick as the FBI and CIA like the Torchwood we saw in Doctor Who. Jack is basically the one who built this version of Torchwood, and they are a bit of a rogue bunch (a little like The Boys, they fuck up quite a lot). As for how the show keeps changing from procedural to soap opera, that's true, it does take a while for the show to find it's footing, but now that you're halfway through season 1 you'll see it start to stabilize a little now. The second half has some strong episodes, then season's 2 and 3 just get better and better. Season 3 is worth the wait. I promise!!

Jeremy Burch

I kind of liked this episode, there was defiantly things that weren't perfect in this episode and I find the Owen and Gwen story to be irritating, although I don't think the show wants us rooting for them, because it keeps pointing out how wrong it is, it seems like a drinking problem, like an addiction, Gwen wants to stop but also doesn't think she can or will. But I liked what they did with the ability to hear thoughts, when people get asked what superpower they want, a lot people think it would be cool to hear what people are thinking. When they say that, I'm always like, no, no, I don't want that, it would be terrible, hearing everyone's thoughts, your going to end up hearing terrible things you don't want to hear. So, I really like the should went in that direction. I also like that it's kind of doing the opposite of Doctor Who, where it's all about how the Doctor loves humanity and thinks that they can be good and will make the right choice and Torchwood is like no, humanity can be terrible. Torchwood may be agents who deal with a lot of things but their not quite the Torchwood we saw on Doctor Who, who were highly trained military groups, this is more of a ragtag group that Jack put together, that can make a lot of mistakes like we saw in the first episode, were one of them was killing people and had to be killed herself and Owen was using an alien device on women and Tosh took something home with her as well. Then we had the whole storyline with Ianto which showed the huge mistake he made, so I think the show has definitely showed us that their flawed individuals. I think that at times Tosh was a little all over the place but I it also showed us that she was someone who felt like she was on the outside and didn't quite belong, that she felt alone and the alien latched onto that to use her and manipulate her to get what she wanted. Great Reaction, thanks to SeeJay for the MVP sponsoring,