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Come and check out Torchwood 1x6 - EP Sponsored Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Special thanks to EP SeeJay for sponsoring this reaction!

FULL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OL8nWbBbbEXY1Wn2h4N6Yu-KTUMJHrKy/view?usp=sharing

Edited: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OOISP3sXBcgqMjT6vizsFUqnNX9BmN1Y/view?usp=sharing




I did say this one is going to be different haha. Personally I do really like the episode, but listening to RJ's perspective on it makes me wonder if this was written for a different show, maybe a crime show or something. An abandoned script which the writer decided to adapt for Torchwood. I agree that this team of highly trained people were too easily overpowered, which is why I'm thinking maybe it was initially written with civilians in mind instead. As for Gwen and Owen, I'm with you guys on this one. It doesn't sit right with me, I'm not a fan. However, I do kind of understand why it's happening. She is literally seeing hell every day and she can't tell anyone about, especially not the person she loves. She needs an outlet, a way to vent. And Owen is that vent. Remember, Gwen is the only one in a relationship. They did mention at the start that they were all single because relationships are too hard to manage in this job. To be clear, I don't condone her sneaking around behind Rhys's back like that, but I kind of understand why she is.

Jeremy Burch

I really liked the episode, I thought it was interesting with all the monsters and aliens were dealing with, the most monstrous thing we've seen were regular humans. Also, the Torchwood team aren't really superheroes or anything their just regular people with special gadgets, except for Jack of course and all their special gadgets were stolen with the vehicle. Also, you have to be careful with guns, they could have grabbed the shotgun, but if she squeezes the trigger when you grab it, your taking a shotgun blast straight to the chest or face. As well as with the gun aimed at Owen, Gwen could have pulled the trigger, but then he could have as well, because people can still pull the trigger even when their being shot, which would have got Owen killed. I would also argue they were slightly taken off guard as well since they were expecting aliens or monsters, not people, people who also know the area better than they do. As for Gwen and Owen, I hate cheating storylines no matter what, even if they make the other person in the relationship terrible, I still think you should break up, don't cheat. But the show made it even worse because instead of making Rhys terrible, like they seemed to be doing at first, they started making him more likeable and making it seem like Gwen really loved him. Although, I don't think the show wants us to root for Owen and Gwen, I think their trying to show us the toll this job takes on people, slowly messing up their life, but I still don't like it. Anyway, Great reaction and thanks to SeeJay for sponsoring it.