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Come and check out Cobra Kai 3x3 Now You're Gonna Pay - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ogu4ttiMjWHElN6-F6Q45HhPI2cEiIII/view?usp=sharing




(Disclaimer: Please don't read for the video :D) I'm glad you appreciated that Miyagi moment; I really respect how nicely they pay homage to Mr. Miyagi's legacy, as well as how well they incorporate Daniel's initial respect for karate and the Miyagi Do ethos--this season only gets better in that regard, I'm excited to re-watch it! I was actually never really into the movies growing up but the show makes me feel the nostalgia/respect anyway 😅

Jeremy Burch

This was a good episode, I love that Johnny is being their for MIguel but he really needs to start showing up for his son. He keeps on not showing up for his son his entire life, it's not great. There was a lot of loud, obnoxious, people in this episode with Hawk, Cole trying to buy the dealership, the guy in juvie and Johnny's stepdad, so I can see why the episode was making you so frustrated Jrabbit. I love that they bring back Johnny's friends in the show, I think the show does a really great job of balancing the past and the present and I really enjoy that. I assume you thought the doctor might be Ali, which it what a lot of peoples theories were, first they thought Ali might be Tory's mom because of the whole, Ali with an i, Tory with a y thing, then people started thinking that Ali was going to show up as Miguel's doctor. So, I think the show was messing with us viewers by mentioning the doctor a few times and then focusing on her and her blonde hair, playing with are expectations. Great reaction, I look forward to the next one.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys i thought this episode had a lot of build up. You can already tell that Robby has to fight those bullies in juvie but he´s trying not to because of Daniels / Miyagys teachings. I agree with you, that Robby was hoping his Dad would show up to visit him. I absolutely don´t think that Johnny forgot the visit, bc when he dropped off the cheque at the hospital he told Camens mom that he has to be somewhere. But then she started crying and wanted Johnny to stay to pray for Miguels surgery. I mean, what do you do in that situation? It´s really tough. I absolutely agree that he at least should have called the prison that he wouldn´t make it though. I think Johnny would have gotten the job but i also think that assaulting a minor is where you need to draw the line. I loved Daniels story on why he started his business and how Mr. Miyagi pushed him into sales as he said. The way the show incorporates the Miyagi flashbacks is amazing. It could be cheesy, but it is done so respectfully imo. Hawk stealing the money from a little kid and beating him up is the worst. He just needs to remember where he came from. But then again that shows you how completely brainwashed the Cobra Kai students are. And finally Daniel flying to Tokyo is going to be interesting to say the least. Can´t wait for the next episode. Love you guys


Hi Ashleep- thanks as always for the comment and disclaimer! Facts! It's been forever since I've seen the movies so my memory is a bit foggy on the specifics but the respect and love Daniel had and has for Miyagi I remember clearly and agree the way they organically have carried that over into the series is incredible.