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Hi Patrons, 

Thanks for everyone's patience while we finalized our travel plans for June and July. Attached are the expectations on when content will be posted for each month.

In this way you can be better equipped in deciding whether you want to pledge again for June and July or just return when we go back to our regular schedules in August. 

Keep in mind we will still be having the monthly polls for new show and new movies each of these months as well as the Pulse Test polls. 

EP Sponsors

Those interested in being an EP for June- you can put in for that now. We will be raffling off 7 spots for 60 minutes or less and 2 spots for 61 minutes or more. 


We will post the results of the Raffle on May 28th to give everyone time to fill out the form for those interested. 

Those interested in being an MVP - please send us a message ASAP so we can determine if we'll be able to work that into the schedule next month.

Depending on how well we get through the content based on these schedules- we may add additional spots later in the month for the 60 minute or less and 61 minute and more spots. 

Thanks as always for the continued support!

RJ and Jrabbit 




Hear Ye Hear Ye, We have an Annoucement in Blue, the Choice of Cool people everywhere. Ha It Seems like you’re for real traveling the earth this summer lol (Real Talk Reactions Travel Adventures?!?! Jkjk) Hope both trips give you two much needed R & R! Bring back some cool stories for all us mere boring mortals like I lol

Fay K

I’m sorry in advance if this is too personal of a question and better asked in a DM. Since I was the 1/4 people who wasn’t picked in the >60 minutes. That gives me better odds at being picked in this raffle, so I don’t have to worry about asking for an MVP spot?


Love this! Thanks so much Blips. I will be posting stories on our social media of our adventures if you follow us on any of those :)