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Hi Patrons, 

Just taking the notes from the conversations on the last poll and just building out extra polls to address each point.

Do you prefer we change the schedule for voting a new show in to a more extended time line? 

We would still be posting the monthly pulse test which would then allow for a change in rotation monthly as well.

Choose the options you like best below!

Poll will close on May 10th- before the pulse test goes live :) If the majority chooses to  extend the timeline for new show polls- this will go in effect for next month and no new show poll will be posted. 

Thanks as always for the continued support!

RJ and Jrabbit


E. Kensington

Personally, I think there are a lot of shows. It would be nice to give them more time to flourish before adding more in. There are a lot of shows that have disappeared for a while (Archer, Harley Quinn, Psych) it seems. Limiting new shows might ideally bring ones like these back.


Yeah I have to agree to some point. The interest to allow us to suggest shows as often we want, is kind of really not giving alot of them the chance they probably should deserve. I wouldnt mind a limited amount of suggestions a month. Ill be the first to admit several shows I have no interest in, but Id still like to know that they are given a chance to the people who really have pushed for them. Its also no secret id love White Collar to be reacted too, but its the kind of show id rather have (if its ever chosen lol) to be given the chance to be worked thru a full season before being voted on to be removed (again im biased haha). Id suggest possibly allowing new shows which make it to the list, to get thru the first season before being given the perviable boot, given shows like Blockbuster / TransAtlantic are limited series anyway, Beef is only one season, Better of Ted (a cancelled sitcom after 2 seasons where if they wouldnt like the first why even split the vote everytime, and toss the second season. Random thought but what if we use a polling system (maybe not patreon based) that gives us each a specific amount of votes. If we can all vote for whatever we want with inpunity, it will continue to split votes and keep shows off the list that some have been fighting for before I even got here I think lol IDK but you gave me somehting to wonder about this afternoon haha (PS Archer, given that Lucile Blooth was a legend, how we can we ever miss more of Jessic Walters lol)


I guess I'll chime in here too. I don't agree at all with taking the monthly opportunities to vote a new show off the table. I get the thought about allowing more chances for old series to get voted in but reaction channels are evergreen because of how much new content is constantly dropping. I would hate to miss out on reactions to a new series that drops because we're not given a chance to suggest if for a month or two. Shows like The Last of Us or Wednesday or even when shows come back for a new season are typically really short and easy for them to knock out. Why delay the chance to vote them in while they are popular and before RTR potentially sees it on their own. (I personally hate that we didn't see the reaction to Dahmer..total bummer.) I think everything else that's looking like it's polling well- the limitations to the rotation and the restrictions on the slow rotation, etc, addresses those people who appear to be frustrated about the structure now. This channel is so fun because RTR accommodates so many different interests which are explored because of these polls. Not everyone is going to be happy about everything. I too have shows I like and don't like but the constant opportunity for new content is worth the wait here and there for the changes in rotation. Just wanted to throw in an argument for the other side.

Jamal 92

I think this is 100% correct. I appreciate how much effort RTR has put into accommodating as many shows as possible, but at this point there seem to be diminishing returns... I'd prefer more consistent focus on the most popular shows so that, even if the most popular show is not one I care for, the reaction is completed relatively quickly and the focus can shift to other series. As Kensington said -- it would be nice to give shows time to flourish before adding more in. For example, having a show like Archer pop in for a week and then disappear for months makes it difficult for both the audience AND RTR to fully follow/appreciate the show, in my opinion. I think the experience would be better if we see the top 5 or 10 shows all the way through with real focus, and then shift to other options.

Jamal 92

I think this is a really good point, but also that the "hot new show of the month" can sometimes interrupt the flow of the channel -- which is not necessarily a bad thing, but I wonder if there's a better way to manage it. For example -- Better Call Saul, Scrubs, and Succession are amazing shows that each got voted into the bottom end of the last Pulse test... but basically might never be reacted to consistently. And I think RTR spreading out its reactions to a show like BCS or Succession in particular might negatively impact their ability to track storylines/connect with the show fully (though ofc they do a great job even in those circumstances). I'm not sure what the answer is here, but in my opinion a *somewhat* perfect world would allow RTR to narrow their focus on the most popular long-term shows (Office, Always Sunny, New Girl etc.) so that those reactions are completed more quickly/with focus -- and allow other semi-popular shows like BCS or Succession to more quickly rise up and get that same focus -- while perhaps holding a slot or two for the "hot shows of the moment" like Last of Us or Wednesday? Like I said, I don't know the solution, and I think you're on point that a key benefit of RTR is being able to vote in "shows of the moment" each month... but I do think having 14+ simultaneous reactions kind of minimizes the experience for everyone. Will be curious to see how these polls turn out!


Hey Jamal, by the way thanks for sponsoring Peaky, I love that show. I get everything you’re saying. I know all of our comments and perspectives are our own and we won’t all be on the same page because we have our own interests and preferences we’re trying to promote and that’s cool. Not to diminish anyone’s frustrations but I think the one off situation with the rotation and scheduling blip last month has caused a lot of this. Based on looking back, it feels like RTR has consistently had a lower rotation and I’ve really appreciated their ability to navigate the rotation and then honestly the EP sponsorships as well. I personally haven’t seen a diminished quality and saw in your comment to Kensington that you have and again it may be in the shows I’m not watching. I don't know what the perfect solution is, I don’t think one exists because we’re all always going to want the shows we want to be reacted to the most..lol But I do feel limiting the community to the access of new content isn’t the answer. Like you said though interested in seeing how it all plays out with the polls.


Hey Kensington, thanks for sponsoring Hand Maid’s Tale, been cool to see those reactions. Just a quick thought in reference to the perspective on old shows like the ones you mentioned. I think it's less a structure problem with how the rotation is run versus a community interest issue. Each of those shows have had multiple times, twice a month, to get voted in and the community isn’t voting them in. It seems there's a lack of interest overall to continue those series. I think it's more evident in a month with a record number of shows being pulled into rotation where that proves that to be true. I’m not sure it’s fair to the community to take off voting a new show in for the chance it forces other shows more of a chance to get voted in and I’m not sure that will even work. I think your ideas in reference to the pulse test and limiting shows allowed in the rotation, which are polling really well, are likely to address the areas of concern. But we'll see.

E. Kensington

There is always the option of not adding shows entirely from the pulse test. In fact, I think that’s one of the things that bothered me the most, the new additions FROM the pulse test that were given the 5 rating. If shows like 30 Rock and Cobra Kai weren’t added from the pulse test in the past we wouldn’t have seen so much of them, I realize that, but I just think more consistency would be a good thing


Hey E, Been trying to cycle through all the comments to make sure polls are up to address thoughts. To clarify- are you saying you want to remove EP sponsored content from being allowed on the pulse test so they can't be voted into rotation?


Hi Blips, been cycling through all the comments to make sure polls are up to address thoughts. To clarify- when you say limited suggestions- do you mean in the beginning of the month polls for new shows and movie? Like limiting everyone to one suggestion?


Hi Jamal, we can post a poll about reserving one of the 10 spots (it looks like that's going to win) to a new series and see how that trends.

E. Kensington

Just questioning it really, it seems a bit much to have BOTH new show poll and pulse results allowing new shows in

E. Kensington

I like the idea of limiting one or two spots to the new shows, maybe one for the show poll and one for possible pulse shows


The Pulse test ensures that each month the full rotation is being represented by what the community wants. With the community shifting so often- new patrons or people leaving - its important to RJ and I to have these checkins. I know its different for long term subscribers like yourself but we have about a 30-40% cycle of people leaving, new people cycling in, or returning patrons. But I can absolutely post a poll to eliminate that EPs get added to the pulse test unless they are properly voted in in the monthly new show poll.

E. Kensington

I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be eliminated entirely but did you have to add BOTH Succession and The White Lotus last month with them both ranking at five rank? That’s what I’m saying. If there are shows like that, can’t you just vote between them?


That was the process up until now- top 5 ranked get voted in. Polls are going now though that are performing well and will likely address that so should be ok going forward.

E. Kensington

Of course, if both of those shows ranked two rank, three rank, or even four rank it would make a difference but it just feels that since they stretched the link they didn’t necessarily have to be added


I don't know what else to say to address this. Let me know if there's another version of a poll we should consider posting that addresses this better.

E. Kensington

I think that the community’s preference of cutting the shows to ten should sort that out personally

E. Kensington

Personally I think there should be two spots limited to new shows or shows that haven’t been on the regular rotation before whether that is pulse introductions or the new show each month

E. Kensington

I can see that people prefer nominating a new show monthly, but I do suggest having this poll in 5e future (maybe four or six months) since it does look pretty close