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Come and check out Doctor Who 5x4 The Time of Angels - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IZ7w1ji4JJTXpVFWegLGSieXcEr6bOl8/view?usp=sharing

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IZ7w1ji4JJTXpVFWegLGSieXcEr6bOl8/view?usp=sharing



Patrick McMahon

River Song is back! I remember being so shocked and excited to see her again. Like you said, she steals every scene she is in. Also, River survived being jettisoned into space at the beginning because she gave her position and asked for an air corridor, which The Doctor gave her, allowing her to travel to The Tardis without dying. Also, having The Wheeping Angles being back is so cool too. When Amy's hand is "stone" and she says to The Doctor "I don't want you to die for me doctor, do I look that clingy?" I always crack up even though she is being so brave. J Rabbit I love seeing you sing the theme I mentioned earlier in this season. It is called "I am the Doctor" and I regularly jam out to it my car when I need a personal pick-me-up lol. Not much more to say about this, spoilers, so see ya next week.


I love the way Amy really treats the Doctor like her imaginary friend from childhood in the way that she throws him sass and treats him like a Raggedy Doctor doll come to life. I don't have any actual knowledge to back this up, but I feel like with this regeneration they were trying to play up the family friendly dynamic. Matt Smith doesn't have 10's ladies' man side or existential angst at this point. Even with River Song there's not as much sexual tension energy as there was with 10. And that's fine with me. Amy is a great companion in that respect too because she is totally ready to "play" with River as much as with the Doctor. I mean, could you imagine how Rose or Martha would have bristled in that situation? Ugh. I guess I'm team plutonic redheaded companions at this point in the series.

Jeremy Burch

This was a great episode, the return of the Weeping Angels and River Song. Theirs so much to learn about River because she comes from his future, which makes her such an interesting character on top of Alex Kingston's acting, which is fantastic. We've seen when she "died" and when the Doctor first met her, but haven't seen when she met him. I'm glad you both like Amy, I was watching another reactor who kept saying Amy was useless and stupid, I had to skip all the reactions that she was a part of. It's one thing to know that people won't always like characters you like but it's another thing to hear them being called stupid and useless all the time. Great reaction, I look forward to the next one.

Jay Willis

River Song AND Weeping Angels? It doesn't get much better than that.


Such a great episode, I'm glad you guys enjoyed (although I totally knew you would lol). Fun fact time: I don't remember if anyone mentioned in the last weeping angel episode, but the main fully developed angels are not props. They are actually performers who stand very very still, and reposition in-between takes. There used to be a behind the scene's show called Doctor Who Confidential and they had a clip of the angel performers hanging around on set in between takes, it was so weird to see. Although this is episode 4, it was actually in production block 1, so it's Matt Smith and Karen Gillans first episode they filmed together. The fact that their chemistry is so strong in this one, but not even that, the fact that their chemistry is stronger in this one than the previous 3 episodes is really testament to their acting abilities. Final fun fact, is that when the Doctor bites Amy's hand, he was only supposed to pretend to bite (you know, acting) but he actually bit her, and pretty hard according to the stories. So her reaction in that scene is 100% genuine! Oops.

Tyler Mckenzie

Finally we have River Song and the Weeping Angels again! I love these characters so much. I can't wait for you to finish the two parter.