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Come and check out Doctor Who 5x1 The Eleventh Hour - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AAZXj74EQQO3_VpxBA4UAnNKGnSAdNpZ/view?usp=sharing



Adam Grunther

Goodbye David Tennant, Hello Matt Smith. Welcome to the Eleventh Doctor’s era of Doctor Who. Overall I think this is a great introduction to the new Doctor. Matt Smith delivers a new and different feel to the title character while also not losing the charm and warmth that Tennant had. The opening scene pretty much solidifies that the Doctor is still his fun and lovable self despite the new appearance. Amy is also a great first companion. She’s a lot more down to earth than Donna but a lot more fun and quirky than someone like Rose and Martha. Karen Gillan (who you may know as Nebula in the MCU) is terrific as the character and has fantastic chemistry with Smith’s Doctor. Also, while you didn’t see much of him, Arthur Darvill is fantastic as Rory. Part of me loves the fact that this may or may not have been the inspiration for him to play Rip Hunter in Legends of Tomorrow. Also, fun fact about the opening of this episode: the scene in which the Doctor forces young Amy to cook him a bunch of different foods is a reference to the original Winnie the Pooh books in which Tigger made his first ever appearance asking the titular bear to cook him something that he claims to be his favorite. After rejecting several different foods, the iconic tiger settles on a jar of malt. Pooh then sits with him while eating a jar of honey. The scene in which Amy eats a bowl of ice cream while the Doctor eats fish fingers and custard is an exact copy of the scene in the book and I find that absolutely amazing and adorable. Great reaction as always and looking forward to the next one.

Patrick McMahon

I gushed too much in my last comments so I will keep it simple. Great introduction to Matt Smith, great introduction to Amy Pond. Yes, J Rabbit that is the music I was talking about. Have fun with the next one.


I like to think of the various Doctors like Dorothy's companions. You enjoy each of them for their own reasons, but everyone has a Scarecrow that they'll miss most of all.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys i´m finally caught up with you!!! Now where do i begin... I started Doctor Who back in 2005, was very intrigued, but i just couldn´t get over the farting aliens in season 1 and so i stopped. I gave it another shot about a year ago and boy am i glad i did. I finished the entire show including all the specials in about 2 months. As many of you i fell in love along the way. What makes it so great for me is the range. One moment we deal with campy and corny over the top villains and in the next moment the show hits you right in the feels with exceptional performances left, right and center. Also the creature design is very creative. They come up with aliens and monsters i´ve never seen before. Cudos to the designers / writers. I can not decide which doctor is my favourite. They all bring something different to the table. Eccleston started off great but only had one season before the actor quit the show. Tennant set an all time high standard in my opinion. It still hits me whenever i see him go. I felt everything you guys did at the end of season 4. Matt Smith has a somewhat childlike and yet a very wise feel about him. I can´t wait for your input as we move forward with the show. I won´t go into the brilliance of all the companions / side characters right now. Oh yeah and it´s really fun to think about that Rory became Rip Hunter, a Time Master himself on Legends of Tomorrow after he met the Doctor years before. Coincidence? I think not 😂😂😂 I am so hyped to see your upcomming reactions. Love you guys.


This is the era that had Doctor Who blowing up in the US (and across the world). It became MASSIVELY popular during this time. It had started to become popular in season 4 with Tennant, but with this almost soft reboot they were able to introduce Doctor Who to an entire new legion of fans. Most of these big names (Olivia Coleman aside) weren't known at the time. I'm sure Doctor Who played a part in their later successes. Fun fact, the girl who plays young Amelia is actually one of Karen GIllans cousins. They hadn't met before this, and the casting was random, not on purpose. I saw the young actress, now all grown, at a convention last year and she looks so like Karen it's unreal. JRabbit you are just going to love the music so much from here on out. Murray Gold really takes the scoring to a whole new level over the next few seasons. Amy's theme is so haunting, but beautiful, and 11's theme is so chaotic but it also has such a superhero vibe to it. The scene with all the Doctor's, I really love how they did that, and to have Matt Smith appear through Tennant's face and simply say "Hello, I'm the Doctor." That was some clever writing from Moffat. He wasn't saying that to the Atraxi, that was 100% him telling the fans, "we know you love David, but it's my turn now!" You've got some really strong episodes coming up this season, several of them being fan favorites, so buckle up, you're in for a wild ride.

Lemuel Daher

I don’t know if it’s been said, but you were wondering why Matt Smith was “still cooking” and a little out of sorts through the episode. Each Doctor has a freak out session after regenerating. For David Tennant’s 10th Doctor, the dude was comatose for the entire episode. For Matt Smith’s 11th, he was having seizures. Anyway, really like this episode. Matt Smith shows his Doctor to be a quirkier sort of Time Lord. Still, he brings the heat in those last few lines to the Atraxi. Excited to see you continue with this series.

Jeremy Burch

Great reaction to a great episode. The first time I watched this I was a bit nervous if I would like the new Doctor, but by the end of the episode when he was delivering his lines to the Atraxi, I was confident I would end up liking him. I've always felt bad for Amy Pond in this episode, she said to the Doctor before he left the first time, that people always say they'll be back and then aren't, then he was gone for 12 years. I also feel like a lot of people overlook the 4 therapists line, to think what that would have been like, to have 4 different therapists for 12 years telling you your making things up, that he wasn't real, constantly repeating that until you have to admit, you made it up, he wasn't real, leaving you unsure of yourself for a lot of your life, only for him to show up and turn's out he is real, then he leaves for 2 years again. Also, I've mentioned before, that you hadn't met my favorite companion yet, well, now you have, although technically she was in the show once before in the Fires of Pompeii episode as one of the Soothsayers. This is how I became of fan of Karen Gillan, long before Nebula and the Jumanji movies. Although their is a little more to add to her being my favorite companion, but that will be at a later date, no spoilers. Also, their is another companion we haven't met yet, that is almost my favorite companion as well, kind of like David Tennant is my favorite Doctor but Matt Smith is almost my favorite too. Anyway, I look forward to the next one.