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Come and check out Doctor Who The End of Time Part 2 - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1813mfzLv4lZ7C59etDuHdJtIPjShhIO2/view?usp=sharing




It's okay J Rabbit. It's hard to say goodbye to the good ones. The big roles that you might know the new Doctor, Matt Smith from are young Prince Phillip on The Crown and from House of the Dragon (which also featured real life son and grandson of The Doctor Ty Tennant). I've mentioned before that I've not seen every episode of Who. But I've seen at least a couple episodes of each, and I've seen the most of DT, who I guess I would consider "my" Doctor as they say. But I'm looking forward to continuing to explore more with you guys. And to seeing other familiar faces pop up along the way.

Patrick McMahon

Here we are at long last! I feel like I have been holding my breath and my tongue for four seasons just to get to this point, and there were times I didn't think it was going to happen. I feel like I can finally relax lol. First of all, I love David Tennant as The Doctor and was truly gutted to see him go. I honestly felt like I would not like this show anymore after losing him. I love all of The Doctor's first four seasons companions (Martha and Donna in particular). Also, these seasons are a great example of how this show operates. There is some really great story telling here, and I'm truly glad you got to experience it. All that being said, within the first few episodes of the next season Matt Smith's Doctor became "My Doctor". Everyone has a favorite, and he is mine...so far lol. You mentioned that folks would tell you to skip to season 5, and although I don't tell people to do that, not everyone can handle the cheesiness and quality of the show the first four seasons, no matter how good the stories and characters. This leads to people quiting it before this point. I believe season 5 starts an Era of accessibility the first four didn't always have, and I think you'll notice this right off bat. When I think of Doctor Who I generally start by thinking of Matt Smith as the 11th. I really can't believe we made it here. Thank you guys for staying on this journey with us, and I am too curious to see what y'all think of it here on out. Also, there is a new piece of music coming and think you'll like it J Rabbit. Every time I hear it in an episode I get hyped because I know something about go down. I can't say much more about what's to come, so I'll end this here. I'm just too damn excited!

Adam Grunther

Well, you’ve made it to the end of the Tenth Doctor’s run and what an ending it is. The episode overall is really good. While the conflict is a bit too silly for my liking, the entire last half hour was incredible. Seeing the Doctor have a final farewell with all of his companions was amazing. My personal favorite goodbye scenes were with Captain Jack and Donna’s family. It was nice to see Jack get a more uplifting goodbye scene compared to the other companions which were more bittersweet. The last scene between the Doctor and Wilfred felt like a giant punch to the feels. The fact that Wilfred’s actor recently passed away (meaning that this is the last time we’ll ever see him) makes it so much more heartbreaking yet still powerful. Overall, I’m gonna miss David Tennant and honestly think that we have him to thank for the reason this show is still going. Doctor Who may have started with Christopher Eccleston but it only truly became the smash hit that it is today because of David Tennant. I was heartbroken to see David go but he honestly stayed for the perfect amount of time. The stories he had were ridiculous but also a ton of fun. If the Doctor was real and I had a chance to hang out with him, the Tenth Doctor would definitely be my choice to spend time with. While Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor was much more jaded and cynical, David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor just gave off such a warm and friendly vibe but also a daredevil-like and fun personality. He was such a lovable burst of energy and I will always love David Tennant for bringing that to life.

Patrick McMahon

I absolutely agree about the goodbyes. Jack's was cheeky and fun. I can't with Wilf's crying, I break down everytime I see it, his heart was so big and loving, and his emotions were always on his shoulders.


Like Patrick I was nervous if the reactions would ever get to this point. Every month I'd be eagerly waiting to see if Doctor Who would still be in rotation and I'm so glad it was. My favorite season isn't here yet, so I don't get to relax just yet though lol. It's definitely hard seeing David Tennant go, but the send off was completely worth it. I really love the "reward" of him getting to not only see, but help all his companions one last time. I love to talk about the score when I can, the music at the end when he regenerates is called "Vale Decem," (that's actually the lyric that the choir sing). It's Latin for "Goodbye Ten!" Turns out it's not just Murray Golds music that hits you in the feels but he got emotional lyrics too lol. So this isn't a spoiler, more just information, that wasn't just David Tenants last episode. It actually marks Russell T Davies stepping down as lead writer and showrunner and handing the reigns over to Stephan Moffat. I only mention is because the show will have a slightly different tone to it moving forward. Moffat also uses this as an opportunity to establish a new entry point to the show. You'll see this from time to time, they try to make it accessible to a new audience without forcing that audience to start at season 1. In terms of what you can expect from Moffat, well he wrote the 2 parter with the child in the gas mask (are you my mummy), the Madame De Pompadour episode with the clockwork robots, Blink with the weeping angels, and the Library 2 parter with the mysterious River Song. I'm pretty sure you both liked all of these episodes, so it's safe to say don't worry about what's coming next, you are in VERY good hands!!!

Patrick McMahon

Keep that score info. coming! Wow, I love that piece and knowing the title makes it sadder. Thank you for mentioning Moffitt and all that, it's not spoiler, it's interesting production facts.

Lemuel Daher

Loved this episode. I remember being 14 and watching this while it aired at the end of 2009. David Tennant’s speech when he realized Wilf needed him to save him was legendary. It was so raw. You saw how angry he was that he had to kill himself to save a man who wasn’t nearly as important as him — and you saw that there was literally no way the Doctor would walk away and abandon Wilf. That’s what a lot of people miss about that scene imo… the Doctor isnt angry with Wilf, he’s angry because he knows he could never live with himself if he abandoned a 80+ year old man to his death. Each Doctor had their own defining traits, some good and some bad. Ecclestone (the 9th doctor) was defined by his trauma from the time war. The Tenth Doctor was defined by his love for adventure as well as his love for himself (his ego). He was a very human doctor, and he liked who he was in this particular regeneration. Doctors deal with regeneration differently, some are cool with it and some (like David Tennant’s Doctor) view it as dying because their personality subtly changes. Anyway, great acting from Tennant and Wilf. Those two have such great acting chemistry. One final note: there’s a popular theory that the woman the Doctor and Wilf kept seeing is really the Doctor’s granddaughter, not his mother. Crazy to think about the fact that the Doctor’s regeneration made him look younger than his own granddaughter.

Jeremy Burch

This was a great episode and a great reaction, I always look forward to reactions for this last part, but also dread it because it means seeing David leave all over again. I loved the ending when the Doctor got to say goodbye to all of the previous companions and friends. It was interesting to learn so much about the Time Lords, because the way the Doctor talked about them, we always think it would be great to have them back because their so good, but nope, that's just the way the Doctor preferred to remember them, turns out they weren't so great at the end and they were the ones who, purposely put the drum sounds in the Master's head driving him insane. What I liked about all 5 of theses specials, is they were all like a long story saying goodbye to the current Doctor, the first was the Doctor finally getting thanked and staying for dinner when he was invited, the second was what could of been with Michelle Ryan, who would have made for a great companion if he was continuing, then what would happen of the Doctor went to far and just did what he wanted and finally the Doctor saying goodbye. Watching this show, it is difficult to say goodbye to the Doctor and see the next one takeover, when I was watching the first season with Christopher Eccleston, I didn't really know about regeneration's, so when it happened at the end of the first season, I was like what's happening, who's this new guy, am I supposed to like this show now, which I did, end up liking the show, even more actually and this new guy became my favorite Doctor, but anyway, after that episode ended, I looked up info about regeneration and thought, well, I guess I'm going to have to get used to this, which I still haven't actually. It was hard saying goodbye to Tennant, as he is, to this day, still my favorite Doctor, but I do love all of the Doctors in their own right and this new Doctor, you just met, is my second favorite Doctor, honestly almost tied with Tennant, but not quite. Also, as said above you might recognize Matt Smith from The Crown or maybe from, Terminator Genisys, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies or Morbius. I look forward to the start of a new season with a new Doctor, a new Showrunner and to see if we find a new companion.

Jay Willis

I always thought the twist with the four knocks being Wilf was so well done. Wilf's tearing goodbye at the wedding and Tennant's "I don't want to go" right before his regeneration always breaks my heart every time. All that said, I'm excited for you to experience the next chapter of Doctor Who. Everyone has their favorite Doctor, and Matt Smith is mine (as are his companions). :)


I’m always sad to see the Doctor rejuvenate lol.

Patrick McMahon

Yes, I also love how the specials are such a good focus on the send off of a very influential and loved Doctor. They each developed his character more and more to where we understood exactly were he was in his life at that time.


I'm a little late with my comment, so I hope this still makes it into the recording! Wow, I can't believe we've finished the Tenth Doctor's run... seeing him go always stings! While I love Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor, the Tenth is definitely my favourite Doctor. Funnily enough, I was one of these people that started Doctor Who with the fifth season, so Matt Smith was my first Doctor. I thought then that nobody could beat his depiction of the character, but then I gave the earlier seasons a shot and Ten honestly swept me off my feet with his charisma - and turned me into a huge David Tennant fan along the way, haha. I absolutely love the way they handled Ten's regeneration. He was (and still is) one of the most beloved Doctors from the entire Classic and Modern run of the show, so dedicating so much time in his final episode to saying goodbye is so satisfying... oh, and it also gets you half an hour of straight sobbing. By the way, Ten visited many more people before he regenrated, not just the ones that made it into the episode. According to Who Lore, he literally said goodbye to every person he met that helped him in some kind of way during his life. For example, during the Lockdown, a few Doctor Who audio short stories were released on YouTube that featured the original actors doing the voice acting. One of these short stories had the Tenth Doctor visiting Novice Hame (the cat nurse from New Earth) on her death bed to say goodbye. Another little fun fact that I wanted to tell: David Tennant announced he'd be leaving Doctor Who during the British National Television Awards in 2008, the year before the specials. He won the award for Outstanding Drama Performance and did his acceptance speech via livestream from the back door of a theatre house because he was actually in the middle of performing Hamlet (if you remember, that theatre production was also the reason they did the Specials instead of an entire season). He accepted the award, announced his leaving to the outcry of the audience in the Awards hall and finished by saying "I have to go back on stage, I have to kill Patrick Stewart!" with a prop knife in his hand. Anways, I'm sad that we'll have no more David Tennant in your Doctor Who reactions from now on, but Matt Smith is an amazing actor who has created a lovely incarnation of our favourite Time Lord and I look forward to rewatching his seasons with you. Thank you for doing these awesome reactions for us, you seriously make my day each time, be it with Doctor Who, Broadchurch, Scrubs or something else. See you in the next one!

Ricardo Bautista

As I said before, this episode was my introduction to Doctor Who and I remember being absolutely gutted the moment Wilf knocks on the glass. It is truly incredible how well David portrays the 5 stages of grief in such a short time, and Wilfred's begging him to leave him always brings me to tears, especially now that he has passed away. This episode is full of emotional moments and really feels like a series finale which is exactly what they were going for. The reveal of the time lords being so different from the way the doctor described them and his reasoning for it shows how much of an impact the time war had on them, and the reveal that he was the one that destroyed them all after several seasons of him mourning them was crazy. Introducing that piece of information will be important in the future but that's all I'll say about that. The show takes a change in tone with the introduction of the new doctor and show runner which may be good or bad depending on who you talk to but I think you may enjoy it. I will say this season introduces both the worst and the best companions in the series to date in my opinion but I'll leave you to make up your mind about that.