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Hi Patrons~

Thank you for everyone who contributed with questions for January (actually as far back as September..haha) !

Check out those questions and our responses here :) 

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11AUxS9bcTq69j2FUCn8jyRwlgMr8ayEt/view?usp=sharing

If you have questions you want to submit for February- here's the link to do so: https://forms.gle/nYcPE7JCEvW3dvoeA

If you have ideas, suggestions, or recommendations for our Patreon- you can drop those here!


Thank you all for the support starting off the new year! We were happy to be back and able to be more consistent again this month :) We appreciate you all!

Thanks again!

RJ and Jrabbit




-Happy 20-years-since-you-met-iversary! -Loved you answer to my question, thank you! <3 -You guys have an amazing Doctor Who community here on Patreon. Unfortunately the YouTube community is SAVAGE! As a fan it's upsetting. -Regarding GoT, I haven't seen your reactions (yet), but as someone born and bred in Scotland (I moved to the US 10 years ago) it saddens me to hear my people can be mean and racist like that. I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that. Much love <3


This was so much fun; thank you guys! Your excitement about Quantum Leap makes me want to watch it some day (esp. after the reaction to Scott Bakula in that recent It's Always Sunny episode)! I also wish I could watch you guys watch Buffy, but it makes so much sense that it's a JRabbit foundational favorite <3.


Thanks so much Seejay (RJ and I were like wait what?! 20 years..lol) Glad you liked our response! It was a fun question! I'm glad then that we for the most part don't see the savagery since most of our efforts are spent on cultivating this community :) No apologies needed! For every racist jack ass..lol we have 50 (at least- I actually have no idea what the math is on that...but its a lot more..haha) more incredible supporters! Appreciate the empathy though nonetheless- thank you!


You should ABSOLUTELY check out Quantum Leap. There's a lot of anxiety and high pressure situations as well as just so much heart. To be fair we haven't seen in the last .. a lot of years haha...so not sure if it holds up - but it most definitely does in our memory :) And yess- Buffy had me all in my feels. Talk about ugly crying! Haha It definitely has a special place in my heart :) Thanks for the comment Ashleep!