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Hi Patrons!

First off, thank you to all of you who filled out the form and expressed interest in being an EP for next month. We really appreciate the support in the new process and great feedback we've gotten!

Link to Video: 


We're excited to announce the EP Winners for the month of January!

We aim to keep perfecting and improving this process! :D

For the $40 tier, we saved 1 spot for the 1 patron who wasn't't picked last month  (These were patrons that filled out the form to be an EP form for November and were not picked and who then also filled out the form for January). Then pulled 3 names for the remaining spots- including the rest of the Patrons who filled out the form for an interest for this tier for January.

For this month we saved 6 spots for the 7 patrons not picked last month for the $25 tier ((These were patrons that filled out the form to be an EP form for November and were not picked and who then also filled out the form for January)) + a number of patrons who opted out for November to give other Patrons more of a chance to be selected.  We then pulled 6 names and added the rest of the Patrons who filled out the form for an interest for this tier for January.

These numbers will fluctuate each month as we we're able to take on more or less.

The winners are as follows (for those listed as anonymous- you will have received a DM from us outlining what your assigned anonymous label is so you can see if you won or not. Be sure to pay attention to the announcements for the specific tier you pledged for only). If this is your first time being an EP, you will get a separate email from us with expectations. For the rest of the EPs chosen, we will reach out to lock in your choices for sponsorship for next month. Congrats to all of the winners for January!

$40 Executive Movie Producer Tier:

1 David Crabtree

2 Monica

3 Anonymous 1

4 Ty Fields

$25 Executive Show Producer Tier:

1 Churchillcigars

2 E. Kensington

3 GarryJerryLarry

4 Christina Jones

5 Lasith Bandara

6 Jojo

7 Bjorn P.

8 Adam G. 

9 Delguy

10 Anonymous 4

11 Jamal92

12 Anonymous 2

We will open each tier then on January 1st to allow you each to lock in your spots. Anyone that doesn't lock in and pledge at the correct tier, will relinquish their spot to another interested Patron.

Those of you that didn't get chosen this month, will be prioritized a spot and/or higher chance in February 2023!

Those interested in being an EP For February 2023- we've prepared the form now. We will post this again around the 10th of January for anyone else interested so no rush is needed on this.

Thank you as always for the continued support!

RJ And JRabbit



E. Kensington

Awesome :) yay. So excited to see what everyone picks and also for you to react to my pick ;) I’m sorry to have kept you in such suspense these past couple of months. Thank you :)