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Hi Patrons,

Thank you for everyone's kind words and direct messages checking on us over the last day. We're all safe, power is restored, and we suffered very limited damage. 

But we didn't anticipate (and we likely should have) that RJ would be forced again in a hurricane recovery effort after the storm. They have announced that until further notice, he and the rest of his team will be working from 7am-8pm daily with no days off. Last time we at least had a date provided on when they would revert back to regular schedules- at this time we don't. 

We have already messaged our October EPs with updates on the delays there, and will keep our November EPS apprised on what the delays will look like there.

As for the regular schedule, we will finish this week's content out as scheduled and then evaluate whether we need to adjust to compensate for RJ's work schedule to better support RJ's exhaustion and mental state. 

We're incredibly frustrated that we are in this position again so soon and appreciate everyone's understanding and support as we do our best however long this situation will last.

If you have any questions or concerns, please DM us.

I'm working now to catch up on onboarding all new members and also respond to any pending direct messages. 

Thank you as always for the continued support.

RJ and Jrabbit



E. Kensington

I’m not going to lie, it is quite frustrating that the content is further delayed but I’m not frustrated at you but by the situation (and if any other October EP sponsors have a problem with that, I’m sorry but part of me doesn’t believe you’re not in denial over your own frustration). I really hope you guys remain okay and RJ doesn’t wear himself too thin. Your health is more important than the reactions even sponsored reactions. I’ll just keep rewatching your 30 Rock and The Office past reactions (my favorites) and hope that someday soon I’ll see new reactions to both. I do wonder if you saw the next The Office episode, no spoilers but it’s very well known in the fan community (maybe second to Dinner Party)

Ren S.

Glad you’re safe and that the damage wasn’t too bad. We’ll enjoy the new content whenever it releases, but ya’lls lives and well-being comes first. 😊