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Hi Patrons, 

Just wanting to provide another update on where we are with content creation and our available time for this month.

RJ's job has enforced a hurricane relief effort which requires that he and the rest of his office have to work extended hours for an extended amount of time. We were able to get clarity this week on exactly what that means. He has been working 8am-8pm daily since September 30th (with no days off) and will have to continue that schedule- with no days off- until October 22nd. For the sake of his mental state, and anticipated exhaustion, we are reducing the reaction schedule until he gets a day off and can recover,  to one reaction a day. This will be reflected in the schedule posted later this afternoon. In order to ensure those top ranked shows are prioritized, the shows in the slower rotation will not be reacted to until we get back to our full schedule. 

For our September EPs, we are still on pace to get those reactions uploaded and posted tomorrow. For our October EPs, I will provide an update on any delays as the month continues and we see where we are. I still need to reach out to most of you to lock in your details and really appreciate everyone's patience with the delays. 

We appreciate the understanding and support as we attempt to get back on schedule while also ensuring RJ is prioritized. 

Any questions - please DM us. 

Lots of love guys! 

RJ and Jrabbit




Stay safe out there RJ!

E. Kensington

Poor RJ. It’s completely understandable. I do hope 30 Rock gets some reactions but if I have to wait until next month I can, I know it didn’t rank the highest in the pulse test. I don’t know if this is even an option with the raffle system being the way it is but if you need to wait on some of the reactions, I don’t mind waiting until November (of course I’d love it in October but if this would help you guys) but again, I don’t know how that will impact November because of the raffle system


30 Rock is still in the top 5. These are the ones in slower rotation :) Archer What we do in the Shadows Psych Arrested Development Malcolm in the Middle We'll hold off on reacting to these until we get back to our regular schedule. And thanks E! We'll keep you all posted on October's EP schedule and appreciate the understanding and empathy!