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Come and check out Doctor Who 3x11 Utopia - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hheTb8Y5AhhoMEj93BZfqabz0t_N9s1w/view?usp=sharing




The Master to the Doctor is Moriarty to Sherlock. He first made an appearance in 1971 with the 3rd Doctor and has had stories with every Doctor since except for Eccleston, always showing up to try and reap havoc. I won't go into too much detail about him as Russell T Davies knew there were many new fans to the show who were not familiar with the Master from the classis series when he wrote the script, so you'll learn what you need to know soon enough. I will say one non-spoiler thing though, the timelords choose their title/name. The Doctor chose that title because it represents the healing and saving he does. The Master not only wants to dominate, but he's also the Master of disguise, often fooling the Doctor just like we saw in this episode.


Great reaction! You guys just met the Master, the Doctor’s time old nemesis. For the last half-century, the TV show has had three main villains that can properly be called the Doctor’s arch nemesis: the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Master. I don’t want to say too much about him, but know that the showrunners knew that most new viewers and fans weren’t familiar with these characters, so over the course of the first three seasons they reintroduced them as the show’s main three villains. Last thing I’ll say: this episode was a master class in subverting expectations. The first half sets up a pretty standard dystopia, where you think you know where it’s going. Then the second half begins, and everything becomes tense, intimate, and emotionally charged. I also agree that the soundtrack for this show is amazing, shout-out to somposer Murray Gold. That dude is amazing.

Jeremy Burch

When I first watched this episode I had no idea who the Master was, I went into this episode thinking it was going to be a medium filler episode, between the greatness that was Blink and the end of the season with admittedly good acting and likeableness from Professer Yana and his assistant Chantho, plus the bonus of Jack Harkness. But then, the brilliance of the ending happened with the watch and the callback to the Face of Boe saying You Are Not Alone aka Yana and I thought it was great, just so well done with the build up all season and were not even done yet. Then after the episode I immediately looked up the Master and learned how much history he had with the Doctor and thought wow, it's even better than I thought, people who have been watching Doctor Who since the older series must be really freaking out right now. I also really liked the conversation the Doctor and Jack had about why he can't die and everything he didn't know about what happened with Rose, since he thought she was dead this whole time, although as much as I liked that conversation and think it makes sense for the 2 of them, I think it sucks for Martha to have to hear it. Also, I felt like mentioning, timeline wise, this episode takes place right after the finale of Torchwood season 1, although it doesn't have any spoilers, an episode near the end of season 4 does have spoilers for Torchwood season 2, so here's hoping Torchwood gets voted into rotation so you can see more of it before you get to that episode. Anyway, Great reaction, glad you both enjoyed the ending of the episode so much, I'm also glad your both safe and doing well. Thanks for the reaction, I look forward to the next one.

Jay Willis

The drums in his head, beating for his entire life as Yana, getting stronger throughout the episode, increasing the tension and signaling that something big was coming. The payoff was worth it.