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Hi Patrons,

Just an update. We're safe but no power.

I was able to get the content due for today scheduled to post and I believe partially for tomorrow.

EP content will be delayed until we can get our power back and can finish the last few reactions, edit those, upload to the drive, and schedule those to post.

We'll likely be delayed in responding to messages and new pledges as we don't have WiFi and our typical access.

Really appreciate the DMs and messages we got over the last few hours❤️

Thank you all in advance for your patience over the next couple of days.


Bob The SkuII

glad to hear yall are safe. wasnt to worried about content but grateful for the safety update. stay safe out there yall

Yess... Cuban B

Stay safe y'all. Do what you guys gotta do to get back to normal. Glad you guys are good 🙂

E. Kensington

Don’t worry about the content, it comes out when it comes out. I’m more concerned about you guys being safe. In calIfornia we deal with earthquakes and wildfires and I know how scary the wildfires are. In those types of situations it’s better to take care of yourself on a mental and physical level. If my reaction is one you haven’t reacted to yet or edited yet, I completely understand if you need to put it out at a later time to the other content. Just take care of yourselves, okay?

Terry Yelmene

Taking care of your family, yourselves, and your neighbors is the only expection any of us in your Patreon/YT community should have for the immeadeate future. Please hold each other, and just be there for one another, and we will keep you, our friends, in our thoughts. Be safe!


Stay safe!


Hope you guys are staying safe!! Wishing you and your family well


Thank you E! We appreciate the understanding and patience! Sorry you have to deal with your own scared on that side of US from time to time! Thanks again for checking in and the kind words over the last few days!


Thank you so much Terry, this legit almost had me tear up. We really appreciate this comment, your understanding, and the empathy showcased in this comment. Thank you again!