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Come and check out Doctor Who 3x9 The Family of Blood - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b-VbJCPaaCnQksnYatmyTWMSG_q82L-H/view?usp=sharing




Not one to normally hype but... Next EP has kept me up at night.


That two parter still makes me tear up at the end after all this time. So, just like we saw Andrew Garfield before his big Hollywood break, in this next episode we have an actress, who only two years later went on to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Actress. Oh man, I can't wait for this next episode!!!


So many thoughts after this two parter. It contains some of my favorite and least favorite things about this show. First off, I love the "Halloween episode of Downton Abbey" vibe. I also love the story and the performances (particularly Tennant's of course). I really like Jessica Hynes. I've seen her mostly in comedic roles and she's very funny. She and Tennant also recently did a really sweet little show together where they played the parents of a highly disabled child called There She Goes. Also, matter how old he gets, that will always be Liam Neeson's adorable stepson from Love Actually. On the downside, this episode is peak Martha misuse and abuse. As much as this show has historically and in recent history really embraced diversity; the fact that this intelligent, strong and beautiful black woman travels through periods of history that have to be very difficult for her and is regularly overlooked in favor of white women, particularly Rose who, let's face it, looks like the prototypical 1930s Disney princess that Hitler would have loved, just rubs me the wrong way. No comment on Billie Piper here, she's gorgeous and did her job well. It's just terrible representation optics. But back on the upside, I also love seeing the Doctor's truly dark side. Very rarely does he act as decisively to punish anyone as extremely and poetically as he does "the family" and it's great to see.

Jeremy Burch

The first part might have been a little slow and the pacing might have been a little off, but everything we got in that episode led to this fantastic episode, with a lot of depth and great performances from David, Freema, Jessica, Thomas and everyone else. It was also interesting to see a darker side to the Doctor, not just with what he did to the family, but with the distance he can have from emotions, like choosing this place on a whim, not really thinking about the possible death that could happen or the way he was going to bring someone else as a companion not really thinking about Martha. I believe that's why he has companions, so they can help keep him grounded and connected with humanity, so he doesn't lose himself. Great reaction, I look forward to the next one.

Jason Faria

Proof that you do not want to see the Doctor get dark.