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Come and check out The Office 5x10 Moroccan Christmas- FULL Reaction- Available on the drive now!

LInk: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h00XoKZ-oUugRsQIoydwS8JlIWdu_36l/view?usp=sharing



Dimwit Emeritus

The Darryl and Toby Princess Unicorn transaction was comedic gold. Both Craig Robinson and Paul Lieberstein performed the scene remarkably well. But Darryl absolutely did Toby dirty. Children, with their active imaginations, want to see themselves in their heroes. Since modern toy manufacturing and mass media, print and electronic, have been industrialized for the better part of the last two hundred years, in Euro-centric societies, this was virtually impossible for non-white children. There were hardly any dolls, literary characters or heroes, both real and imagined, in the zeitgeist that weren’t Caucasian. It has been noted by many advocates that this type of invisibility/under-representation is both hurtful and harmful. So over the last approximately fifty years, general society and CAPITALISM have begun to correct this imbalance and things like the black Princess Unicorn, Asian superheroes and women Ghostbusters are now available and commonplace. But Toby’s daughter also wants to look like Princess Unicorn, and so yes, Toby sees color (we all do in self-reflection, that take by RJ just irked me a little). So we, the audience were set up along with Toby. It's shown how excited Toby’s daughter was when he mentioned Princess Unicorn. We were told how much Toby wanted to one-up his ex-wife with his daughter for once. Toby doesn’t get many wins in his life anyway. He literally grovels to convince Darryl to sell him the last doll. Darryl knows what he’s holding. He knows it may not be the ideal product for Toby’s daughter. Instead of giving Toby a heads-up and letting him make an informed decision, Darryl gouges him on price and then asks him a question that Toby can not possibly answer sincerely. It was a hilarious scene, and so that makes it worthwhile, but it feels unjustified. Both Toby and Darryl are written as generally decent people who don’t go out of their way to be unkind. Darryl doesn’t seem to have that trait of casual cruelty that Dwight or Angela possess. Furthermore, Toby doesn’t deserve it. It’s bad enough he feels forced to tolerate Michael’s irrational abuse. But Michael is an incompetent buffoon who’s been mocked his entire life and finally found someone he can bully. Darryl is shown as both smart, capable and emotionally aware. This was not his best moment. I believe Michael when he said that he could drive Meredith to hit her “rock bottom” because as he said he “did it to Jan.”


I have to give it to Phyllis, because as a Moroccan that party was really well planned and it had a lot of stuff from the Moroccan culture, from the music to the tea and the musical instruments.


I very much disagree with you on the Toby and Darryl situation. As a black woman I grew up playing with white dolls/barbies for years. You and Toby are assuming she wouldn't like the barbie just because it was black. Darryl didn't have to ask Toby if his daughter would be comfortable with a non white doll. Also the question already been asked, why did Toby wait so long to get the doll for his daughter. If Darryl had said no, it would've been his fault after telling his daughter about the doll before he even bought it.